it's hard | karlnapity

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Tw disordered eating, passing out, hospitals. Let me know if there's more x

"Karl why aren't you eating" quackity asked me. "Huh?" I said looking from my plate to him.

"Why aren't you eating do you not like it" quackity asked looking disappointed as he had spent a while making it for us.

"No it's really good I'm just not very Hungry" I lied looking down at my plate. I was physically starving but mentally full I couldn't do it, I needed to lose weight, I can't eat right now.

"Do you feel ok love?" Quackity asked looking concerned. Feeling my forehead with his hand.

"You don't feel warm you feel cold actually what did you eat for lunch?" He questioned.

God I wish he wouldn't ask me all these questions right now, I don't want to lie to them but I don't want to make them worried.

"Em I had pasta" I quickly made up picking at the food in front of me.

"Karl you know you don't have to lie you can tell us if something is wrong" sapnap said putting a hand on my shoulder. Gosh why do they suddenly care so much?.

"Gosh just leave me alone" I burst out standing up and leaving them room, slamming the door hard behind me.

No one's pov

"What was that about?" sapnap asked. Looking at the door. His eyebrows raised, shocked and concerned.

"I'm not sure I'm worried I didn't see him eat anything today. come to think of it I haven't seen him eat anything at all for the past few days" quackity said thinking back his heart sinking into his stomach.

"Oh no Karly, people have been saying some shitty stuff to him on Instagram would you say that has something to do with it" sapnap suggested putting an arm on quackity's shoulder.

"I hope not but I think so" quackity said putting his head in his hands. Sapnap frowned at the sight of his worried partner. He kissed his head gently hoping to make him feel a little better.

"Let's go talk to him alright?" Sapnap said helping quackity up, they put their plates in the sink and Karls in the fridge in case he wanted any later but they both secretly knew he wouldn't.

Their bedroom door was closed and locked they both sighed sadly, Karl only locked the doors when something was really upsetting him and didn't want to talk to anyone. Sapnap knocked on the door.

"Baby? Can we come in?" He said softly. They only heard a small sniffle and their hearts broke.

"Baby please we just need to see if you're ok" quackity said. "No-" is all they heard then more sobs.

"We're going to be outside here ok come out when you need to" sapnap said hearing Karl's cries pick up from inside their bedroom. He recognised them as the 'insecure' tears learning to recognise his lover's cries to help them.

"Karl I know you're upset we just want to give you a hug and make you feel better can you open the door?" Sapnap asked. The door clicked but didn't open.

Quackity opened it seeing Karl standing at the door tears streaming down his face.

Quackity hugged him tightly as did sapnap. Karl let out a cry falling to the floor. "Oh baby" sapnap said sitting with him.

"Sorry I'm just really dizzy" Karl said with a hand on his forehead his eyes were clouded and he looked pale.

"When was the last time you ate mi amor please don't lie" quackity asked a hand on his back.

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