dream please stop | dreamnotnap

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Requested by Alanapropps pls keep the request s coming I love reading them 🤗

George 26 he/him🏳️‍🌈
Sapnap 24 he/him🏳️‍🌈
Dream 23 he/him🏳️‍🌈

Tw mention of eating disorder, sh, blood, panic attack,

-3 months prier-

"Dream what is this" sapnap came out of bathroom a worried look on his face "what" dream said from the trios shared bed looking at sapnap with a confused stare "this!?" Sapnap said tears erupting in his eyes as he showed him the dripping razor blade in his hand. George stared from the razor to sapnap and them to dream who was staring in shock his eyes wide "dream you didn't" he softly said dream was still staring at the razor before he looked down into his lap and nodded slowly.

George and sapnap looked at each other both of their eyes started to swell with tears before going over to where dream was sitting, both wrapping there arms around the boy. "Dream you can talk to us you know please promise me you won't do it again" sapnap said rubbing his back. "Sapnap I can't" dream said looking up at the two. "Yes you can I believe in you" sapnap said

----- present day -------- breakfast time-------

"Baby why aren't you eating" George asked as they were all sat around the table dream not even touching the plate of toast he was given "I don't know just not hungry" dream said shrugging "love you have to eat you have a big day today" sapnap chimes In. "I'm fine I'm actually just not hungry I had a big dinner yesterday" dream said "baby you didn't eat anything there either" George said his eyebrows raised and concern all over his glassy face "e-em I had something after you two went to sleep" he said obviously lying the other two looked at each other not saying anything.

"I'm gonna head out now jimmy said to be there at ten so" dream said hurrying out the door for a mrbeast challenge he was meant to be in. "He didn't eat anything last night did he" George said tears in his eyes "no I don't think he did" sapnap said "let's go have a shower it'll cheer you up abit. "O-ok" George said whipping his eyes.

The two undressed and hopped in shower sapnap helping to wash George's body and George began to worry less about the whole situation until the two got out of the shower...

"Sapnap do you mind putting some lotion on my back it should be in the drawer under the sink" he said and sapnap reached into and saw to his horror a razor covered in dry blood it looked exactly like what it did three months ago and the blood on it was still red and shiny and looked recent. "Oh my god" he said "what?" George asked as he turned around "oh dream" he said covering his mouth "he did it again" George cried into his hands sapnap who was still staring at the razor put an arm around George.

George threw his clothes on and stormed into the bedroom and sat at the end of the bed facing the wall as he sobbed into his hands. Sapnap washed it off watching as his lovers blood swirled down the drain. Before putting his own clothes on walking into the bedroom to where George was sitting and sat next to him bringing him into his chest. George turned and cried into sapnaps shoulder "sh sh sh it's ok it's ok" sapnap said into George dark brown hair "sapnap it's not ok our baby is cutting himself again and he didn't even think that he can talk to u-us" George sobbed.

Sapnap pulled George up onto his lap and held him close "I know I know we'll talk to him when he gets back yeah how does that sound baby boy" sapnap asked rubbing George thighs and George sadly nodded. "Do you want to get into some comfier clothes" sapnap asked swaying George again "yes please" George says and sapnap went to there wardrobe "do you want my hoodie baby" sapnap asked and George let out a small "yeah" from behind him "do you want trousers (pAnTs) or no" "none please"

Sapnap hadn't George the hoodie and put it on taking off his original clothes which sapnap did the same and the two of them decided to just cuddle until dream came back.

3.5 hours later---

"Sapnap" George piped up from sapnaps chest "yes love" sapnap replied rubbing his head "what do we say to him when he gets back" George said starting to break down again "I don't know honey I guess the same as last time" sapnap said "i-i- *breath* i-" George tried to say "take your time sapnap said "i-im just so worried a-about him sap" George said starting to sob into sapnap shoulder.

The two heard the door click downstairs and dream soon enough came in the room his face falling when dream came in "Georgie what's wrong" he asked sitting down next to sapnap who had George in his lap. "It's ok baby I'm sure it is" dream said George took some deep breaths before sapnap spoke "dream em we saw your razor the bathroom again" sapnap said quietly "o-oh em ye-e I had an accident while shaving" dream said unconvincingly shrugging "dream please don't lie to us" sapnap said. "Ok yeah I have been doing it again" dream said looking down "dream why didn't you tell us you were struggling" sapnap asked "because I didn't want to look weak" dream mumbles still staring at the floor "oh baby you're not weak you are so strong for dealing with this but everyone needs help sometimes and it's ok to ask for help" sapnap said "I know" dream replied and brought his knees into his chest and sobbed into them.

"Shshshsh it's ok it's ok we aren't mad we promise" George said wrapping his arms around dream "im just so sorry" dream said crying even more "it's alright love" sapnap said. "Do you wanna talk to someone else about it like a therapist or doctor Incase you don't want to talk us" sapnap asked tentatively "no no I'm ok I just get overwhelmed" dream says calming down about "alright Hun let's get you something to eat if you're ready ok" sapnap said standing up and picking George up who wrapped his legs around saps waist and sapnap held dreams hand as the walked to the kitchen.


Whoo hoo another chapter done thanku for the request I really appreciate it pls go eat and drink today I don't be afraid to message me if you need help.

Words 1132

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