you're trans | dnn

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Requested by flowers4dabeez I think hope you like it and thank you for the request please keep sending more in

Context- sapnap is trans and doesn't want sex but the problem is that dream does and they have to sort it out


George was in his bedroom when he heard sobbing coming from the bedroom next to him and went to go check it out hoping it was something he could easily fix and hoped his fiance was alright.

Opening the door he saw sapnap balling his eyes out staring into the mirror fully naked, George was slightly confused but them his face softened as he realised what it was 'sapnap was trans'

"Babe what's wrong oh-" George started cutting himself off. Sapnap looked shocked as he tried to cover himself quickly but George already saw everything.

"Do you want to get dressed before we talk" George asked. Sapnap nodded biting his lips trying not to let sobs out.
"Do you want me to get dream" George asks. "No" sapnap cried. "Alright babe call me in ok" George said going outside.

George sat on the floor outside mentally preparing himself to talk to him because he didn't want to say anything wrong to upset him in any way he didn't really know how to talk to him never even meeting someone who was trans and also trying to just set it in his mind making mental notes to never say anything like this part of his body is feminine or he looks like a girl or anything like that.

"George?" He heard the door open and then footsteps looking up to see sapnap standing there with a tear stained face.

"Yes baby you ready to talk" George asks standing up. "Yes" he said asking for George's hands. George accepted holding his hand as they walked in.

"Start when you want to babe" George said rubbing his arms as they sat on the bed

"Well I'm trans female to male" he said tears starting to pour out of his eyes. "Sh sh sh don't cry babe please don't cry I promise it doesn't matter I still see you the same wat" George said pulling him onto his lap.

"It's ok hun may I ask why you were crying" George said rubbing his sides thinking he already knew the answer. "I was changing and I get very dysphoric sometimes that's when you start hating your body when your trans" he explained looking down at the ground not wanting to look him in the eye incase he was mad at him

"Yes hun I know what it is is that why you were crying sweetheart" George asks calmly. "Yes, and I totally get if you guys want to leave me because I can't have sex or anything like that I'm sorry the dysphoria is too bad-" he said really fast. Not wanting George to be upset with him which of course he wasn't instead the brunettes face softened as he gripped his hands.

"Of course not baby we wouldn't leave you ok we don't have to do anything like that if you don't want to ok" George said comfortingly.

"Thank you and can we not tell dream for a bit I just don't think I can handle it right now"  he asked feeling a little guilty about keeping this part of his life a secret from just one of his fiance.

"Yeah ok but you will have to tell him eventually you know because he'll get confused why you can't sleep with him" George explained but quickly started talking again because he made it sound like dream was just sex crazy and only wanted him for that and nothing else

"But I'm sure if you told him he wouldn't question it ok he's not some whore who is desperate to sleep with anyone and everyone ok he would care I promise" George added thinking he sounded better.

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