stretch marks | karlity short

329 7 0

Requested by myself because I am so cool

Context- quackity has a lot of stretch mark on his legs and is really embarrassed about them.

Now personally I love stretch marks, I used to hate mine with a burning passion because I thought it was unnatural to have lots on it upper thighs. but I fucking love them now.

Karl he/him 24
Quackity he/him 22
Sapnap he/him 22

For the longest time quackity hated everything about his legs they were either too big too small too light too dark too long too short. But what he hated the most was the small crooked lines on the top of his legs that went right down to the middle of his thighs and across his ass.

He stared at himself in the mirror just looking at them hating everything about them.

Tears spilled down his face putting his hands on his legs covering them.

"Hey buddy what's up" he heard his boyfriend say from behind him.

Quackity just slapped his hand to his thighs in defeat before turning to Karl.

"This" he said indicating his upper legs.

"What exactly?" Karl asked confused seeing nothing wrong with him

"Look at these" he said indicating the many stretch marks he had on his legs.

"Quackity I don't get it" he said.

"These fucking stretch marks Karl" quackity said breaking down "aww hun they are beautiful" he said "no there not" he whimpered his voice cracking "yes they are darling look at me" he said "you are so beautiful ok and these marks just show how perfect you body is bubs"

"And look everyone has them" he said pulling up his tshirt slightly to show some that he had on his stomach.

"Oh my gosh" quackity said looking at Karl's stomach he never knew Karl had them aswell and felt less alone knowing that his beautiful boyfriend had them aswell.

Let me know if I should expand this

Words 329

Also pls give me requests!

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