One Shot #24 part 3

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Mun was in Sung-Young's dorm while they were working on their collab with Hana and Jade.


"Yeah what is it?"

"What do you think about Hana and Jade?"

Sung-Young looked at the seeling and sighed.

"They both are very different..But not in the bad way..Although..Jade is quite reminding me of someone.."

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't matter..Don't worry..What about you..? What do you think about Hana? Did you have great time yesterday with her?"

Mun smiled while thinking about Seowon's student council president.

"Yeah I did..She is amazing person and also really talented..while writing music..And she also helpped me with math.."

"Is that so..? Good..So you don't need my help then.."

"Hey..Hey..I still need your help with other subjects.."

"I was just kidding..But in serious note you should really start studying on your own if you want to start design album covers.."

"I know I know!"

Mun then looked at Sung-Young.

"What are you going to be doing after high school? You never have told me about it.."


Wait.. how I am going to tell him that I am already in a agency..And actually being a vice president of it!!



"Can you answer the question?"

"Well..The thing is that..I have been already working on behind.."

"In behind?"


"You have something you are hiding from me..Tell me.."

"Okay..Okay..But you can't tell other students or Jade or Hana.."


Sung-Young then started to explaining..

"Do you know the company called Rhythm Link..?"

"Yeah..Isn't that the same company where Mr.Sakuma is working?"

"Yes that..He contacted me couple of months a ago.."

"Huh!? That far off..!! What he did contact you for?!"

"Stop shouting..He wanted me to join Rhythm Link and be president.."

"But! You are so young! Aren't vice presidents suppose to be old?"

"Well..I am really hurt..Do you know who is vice president in Cospro?"

"Ibara Saegusa?"

"He is same age as us..And also NewDimension's vice president is young too..So I decided to take Rei's offer..and have been already working there.."


Sung-Young looked at Mun.

"If you have different path you want to walk..Then I will acept it.."

"But..What I am going to do without you..? I don't have any family members here..You are the only one.."

"That's true..But you know..It's good opportunity to you see companies more.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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