One Shot 10# part 2

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(University AU part 2 Let's goooooo..!!)

"Seo Mun?"

Mun's eyes wided and he looked his friends and then back to Hana.


Yatora and Hashida looked eachoter and then looked at Ha-young. They all nodded together.

(They obiviously don't need speak a same language when it comes to love😅😅 They are their biggest shippers..)

"Hey...Mun. We are going to "Eonni's noodles" before hand..And come join us later.." said Yatora.


"Don't worry..I am pretty sure Ha-young can show us a way..So you have time to talk.." said Hashida and patted Mun to at the shoulder before the trio went to their own way.

Mun couldn't believe it. He just got left alone with a crush who he had since high school days. In the same time it made him really anxious and scared. He hated himself from high school..but now he was changed. It made him wonder..if Hana had changed too or she didn't like Mun at all because his sudden leaving..But this was not the time figuring that out. He promised to Hana to make it right when he returned..

"Hana..noona.." said Mun

Hana looked Mun tears in her eyes.'t cry Hana

"Ah! Hana noona..Let's go sit down.." said Mun and offered Hana to sit near by park.

After really akward silence and Hana's crying session was over Mun was ready to talk to her.

"So..How are you?"

Hana then suddenly starts hitting Mun.

"Yah! Why didn't you tell me you are here?!"

"I did! I send the message to you!"

Hana then showed her phone and conversation with Mun. Mun's eyes wided. There were no message in their conversation..

Oh..No..Don't tell me..I..

Mun then took out his phone and noticed that his message didn't go through because he send the message in airplane where of course were not internet connection..

"Oh..Oh...OH No!! I can't believe.." said Mun and started to feel his eyes getting closed.

"Mun?..Mun!? What.." asked Hana when she saw Mun slowly falling a sleep.

Hana then got Mun and putted him sleep in her lap. She looked worriedly at sleeping Mun.

Please Seo Mun that you have not overworked yourself..I am worried about you..

Hana then studied Mun's face. He had obiviously changed quite a lot since high school days.

He looks so peacefull..It's like..

Hana then got closer to Mun's face and kissed him on forhead.

"Yes I got a picture!" shouted Ha-young

She then looked up to see Ha-young with Mun's friends. They were all laughing or bursting out of laugher.

"Yah!! Ha-young!!" shouted Hana.

Hana started to get up but then she remembered that Mun was still sleeping. She slowly went back to sitting.

"What are you guys doing here?!" said Hana while whispering

"Did you really thought that we would leave you alone while you guys had a such a beautiful reunion?!" said Ha-young.

Yatora and Hashida smiled at two sisters.

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now