One Shot #14 part 3

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"Well..Let's see.."

"What do you mean?"

"Hana..It's been quite a long time since I been telling my story..And just like yours..I didn't have happy ending..Well..Let me begin..I was high school was it?..I was a little younger than Mun when Mun did become a counter..
When I returned back from school there was a shooting right near where my parents lived..The shooter had chosen just at that time to go my house..When I got parents were already dead..And then they shot me..And after that I don't remember how I got to the hospital..And I was in coma..And that's how I became a counter.."

Hana looked at Sung-Young. She saw how painful was to her to tell that story.

"Oh..I am sorry that I asked.."

"It's okay..Hana-ssi..I understand that you were curious about it..That's why I am happy that you want to be together with Mun because it would mean that we have another family member more. I know that Mun's grandparents are alive..but I know how much you mean to him.."

Sung-Young then continued.

"But really..? You had to flirt with him in french?! There could be any other language but no!!"

"For the last time Sung-Young it wasn't my fault!!"

"I know..I know..I was just teasing you..Well..then the plan is to tell Mun how you feel.."

"I can't do that.."

"Right..When you can just flirt with him in french.."

"I was just..!!"

"Look..The longer you are waiting the longer there is chance that Mun might end up with someone else!"

"Pfft..! Who could.."

"He is in college remember? I am pretty sure that he is popular around there..He might find a cute girlfriend there and.."

"Okay..Okay! Just shut it! I will do it.."

Sung-Young smiled and then said:

"Repeat after me..I can do it!"

"Sung-Young not you too.."

"I said repeat after me!..I can do it! We can do it!"

"I can do it! We can do it!!"

That's right Hana-ssi..I know you can do it..You can do it if you want that thing to happen....

Mun then walked in to look two girls with concern in his face but he was still smiling a little.

"Oh! Are we doing this again? Can I join?"

Hana just walked away with slighly blushing face. Mun was going after Hana but Sung-Young came between.

"Now..I will talk to you mister french guy.."

Mun slighly gulped. Sung-Young was feeling satisfied as she saw pale look on Mun's face. She was clearly enjoying this show.

"So..Mister french guy..You got a guts to confess indirectly to your love with a lyrics of an song!"


"Aish.. Dear Yung with you two! Didn't I helpped you enough when I was last time here?! You made poor Hana to think I was your girlfriend and then you keep indirectly confessing..Do you think.."

"Sung-Young! I didn't know what came over me okay! I just got confidence boost out of nowhere..and now that I am thinking about it..the idea to confess Hana directly scares me.."

Sung-Young's experission came softer after that.

"I see..So you were acting reckless..Hm.."


Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat