One Shot 8#

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High School AU! Mun is in 10th grade and Hana is in 11th grade (I know she is probably two years older than Mun but for the story I want to change that..) Hana is also student council president and Mun is introverted and some what lonely person. What will happen when two totally different persons and different worlds meet?

"Oh! Guys look! It's the student council president!" shouted some guys

Do Hana..The perfect student. She was ace in everything. Sports, academics and arts too. She was good at anything. Only then Seo Mun kind but yet quiet student looked at her.


(Carefree, dreamy..Adrien..Oh sorry heh..I had to..Not really😅 But if you get this refrence then you are welcome..)

Mun then looked back to his book that he was reading and sighed. When will his life start? When will he starts to get his shit together? He really wanted everything to change. He wanted to have friends..

"Oh..Look at that..Mun is reading again.."

"Huh! What a weirdo..Isn't reading boring?"

Mun gulped a lumb in his throat. He wanted to stand up for himself but couldn't due his lack of self confidence..

Then came to time for lessons.

After those lessons was a luchtime. Usually students went to school's cafeteria but for Mun he prefered eating in libary or rooftop because he was afraid of the possible bullies who weren't really bothering him but still talked behind his back.

It was normal school day and Mun was getting back from luch break he went to libary. There she saw the girl who was struggling to get a book from bookself. He then walked over and got the book for the girl.

"Here you go.." said Mun with small voice

"Thanks.." said girl to Mun

Just then Mun realised who the girl actually was..It was Do Hana.

Do Hana? Oh..How come I didn't realised it?

Mun was quiet whole time and looked at the book he was going to read took it and sat down quite far away from Hana.

Hana seemed like to notice how unsually far the boy was sitting.

Why is he sitting so far away?

Mun continued to watch his book but couldn't ignore Hana's stare.

She is probably thinking that how a low life like me dares to sit in the same table as her..


Mun looked at where the voice came from and saw how Do Hana was staring at him.

"Me?" said Mun quietly

"Yeah..You..why are you sitting so far away?"

"Um..I had some stuff to do so..I didn't wanted to bother you.." said Mun who was
still looking at his book.

Hana curiously looked at Mun. It was a first time when boy didn't wanted to get in her way and bother her with some nonsense. It was very different and Hana liked it.

Hana then scooted closer to Mun.

"What's your name?"

Mun looked at Hana and tried to give her small smile but it turn out to be kinda terrifying.

"Mun..Seo Mun.."

But to Mun's suprise Hana didn't seemed to be terrified by his smile. Instead she started to ask Mun about his life.

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now