One Shot #7

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Mun is sleeping...And Hana is watching him. She gets worried that Mun's mental health is going to wrong direction..Until the real reason in his behavior is nothing like that..And it's pretty funny..

"Mun..I wanted to ask.." said Hana and stopped when she got to Mun's room and saw the boy himself sleeping with his headphones on.

"Oh..You are sleeping.." Hana whispered.

Hana then sat next to Mun. She noticed how peacefully he slept. Suddenly Mun started to sing some song..or rather speaking with those words

This world is cruel, but I still love you..Even if I sacrifice everything, I will protect you..Even if this is a mistake, I don't doubt it..

"Huh? What..Why is he...He saying those words.."

Then there was a tear on Mun's eye. Hana then started get more worried then she heard something from Mun's mouth..

"Thank you everyone.."

Hana looked at Mun and was going to wake him up but then he fell a sleep again..

What was that? Is he perhaps..

Later in evening when other counters where eating. Hana was on her own thoughts and didn't even touch in her food. Mo-tak who noticed this odd behavior started talking..

"Hana..Is everything okay?"

"Um..I am..But.."

Mrs.Chu and Jaok-bong looked over how two counters talked..

"Um..Have noticed anything weird with Mun?"

Mo-tak looked at others and then he said.

"I have noticed..He seems more emotional..I don't know reason.."

"Maybe..He is still suffering about his trauma..about his parents.."

Hana looked at her food. She was clearly worried about Mun. Then Mun came to eat with others. They all stare at him.

"Is something wrong?" asked Mun.

"No! No..We were just wondering..Where were you?"

"I was..Sleeping..Why didn't you guys call me? I wanted to eat.."

Hana was going say something but remained silent.

"Guys.. Do we have snacks?"

Mrs.Chu pointed at drawer where were popcorn and chips.

"Thanks.." said Mun and took popcorn and chips.

" we have ice cream too.."

"At the freezer"


Mo-tak, Mrs.Chu, Jaok-bong and Hana looked how their youngest member to go back to his room.

"Maybe he is going through a heart break?"
asked Mo-tak.

Hana furrowed her eyes. Who could be cause him heart break? Or who could be causing Mun such feelings..

"Did you and Mun fight?"

"No..Not I am aware of it?"

"Let's see..Let's go to his room.."

When they arrieved they noticed Mun on his bed with his laptop and sweat pants and t shirt on..

"Okay..It's time to watch this.." he then took out some tissues.

All of them were staring at him and he didn't notice since he had his headphones on.

"Give up your dream and die..Well..damn Levi.." said Mun to screen

"No..No..No! Erwin!!!!"

"Floch..What the hell..that haircut..That's even worse than Jaok-bong's.."

(I am sorry..I just can't bring myself to like Jaok-bong's hair cut. It's so ugly..In webtoon he looks okay..)

Mun was so invested to watch this series (cough*Attack on Titan) that he didn't see that his counter friends came inside of his room.

"Ah! Best ending..Best" said Mun with huge grin on his face that dissapared when he saw his team.

Mun looked at them with confused face then he started apologizing.

"Sorry..Sorry.! Did I wake someone up?"

Counters looked eachother and started laughing.

"Oh..Mun you were only watching your shows..You worried us.."

"Sorry..If I woke anyone up.." said Mun and closed his laptop.

"No..No! We are sorry! We just thought you went through a heart break..That's all.." said Mo-tak.

"Heart break...huh?..When you said it like that..It kinda feels like it.."

Hana looked at Mun with concern in her face. She didn't say anything she shouldn't have didn't she? She didn't wanted to make Mun feel like she had abandoned him.

"I am talking about this show "Attack on Titan"! Why do they have to divide each season in parts..?! It's going to be forever to end..I want to know how it ends now!"

Hana then looked at Mun with small smile before she smacked him on head. Other counters got little scared and suprised so they left..


"First..You are taking all the snacks..then you worry us to death to think that your mental health is going to wrong direction..Then you start saying all those words all of sudden.."

Mun who looked confused rubbed his head and asked:

"What words?"

Hana then sighed and said

"How.."This world is cruel, but I still love you..Even if I sacrifice everything, I will protect you..Even if this is a mistake, I don't doubt it.." Don't..."

"Wait how did you heard it? Wait were you at my room?!"

Hana then reliazed quickly what she had done. She then looked Mun who was looking even more suprised.

"Well..Maybe! Because.."

"And you stayed?!"


Mun started feel more and more embarasted. He didn't really wanted to Hana to hear what he was saying while sleeptalking.

"Next time Mun..Count me in to watch Attack on Titan.."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I really see you that excited about something again and I think it was cute.." said Hana but said last words quietly.

Mun smiled and then he started to telling Hana one of his favorite shows.

"So..If you want we can start by watching season 1..and.."

Hana just stayed and listened how Mun was talking about his favorite show. To her mind she could have listened Mun for hours if she had all the time and effort in the world.

(A/n: Mun likes anime and is very passionate about it must be one of favorite headcanons. Also the fact that Hana likes to listen whenever Mun wants talk about his hobbies is precious to me💙💙)

(One Shot #7📍📝)

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