One Shot #22

207 7 23

Wedding AU!

Mun was nervously going around cirles. Sung-Young looked at her cousin with worried face and also she was bit amused by it..

"You yourself proposed to her..Now is time prepare and fullfill that promise.."

"But..where to money..I don't have that kinda money.."

"Did you forget? Mr.Jangmul will take care of that..You guys are "ace" counters in this country..In my opinion you guys deserves it that you will have your dream wedding.."

Sung-Young then continued.

"And all you have to do is to plan it..I will help much as possible..both of you.."

"Okay..I need to help with a suit.."

"Well..we are going to get one..Since I already bought you a have to use Jangmul's black card.."

"Of course.."

Sung-Young smiled..

"I am happy that you are finally getting married Mun.."

Mun nodded and fist bumped with Sung-Young.

After that they made their way to the tailor who made suits or rented them..


"We would like to buy a suit for wedding"

"Okay..This way..sir.."

There were many choices.Different colors from blue to black. Mun could feel his head to hurt from it but he still wanted to do this..

"There is a lot of choices..Mun." said Sung-Young.

"I know..I know..But where to begin?"

"Hmm..let's start with white ones..okay..?"


After trying all the white ones they went to black ones..

"Why do I feel this is going to be really difficult?" said Sung-Young


Then Mun's eyes got to one suit. It was dark blue with some stripes and dark blue vest. He felt that this suit had to be the one..

"Sung-Young..What about this one..?"

Sung-Young looked at the suit and then smiled..

"Yes..It looks like something that you would wear..Go for it.."

"Really..? Are you sure..?"

"Mun it's your wedding..not mine..You get to choose.."

In the mean time Hana was struggling with choosing an wedding dress while Jade was on her side shaking her head..

"I can't choose..I just can't..!"

"Calm down..What is the problem?"

"I just..can't choose it.."

"Hey..Hey..Don't worry..We got this..There is no need to panick.."

"I am even worthy getting married?"

Jade then made Hana sat down near by bench. She then started to listening Hana.

"I just feel like everything is happening way too fast.."

"I get that..But let me tell you Mun took a lot of time and effort making this descision. He wouldn't ask you to get married if he did know you wouldn't be ready.."

Hana smiled at Jade..

"And..I think the most important part is that you yourself feel pretty in your own wedding and when Mun sees you in the dress.."

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin