One Shot #15 part 3

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"Are you guys sure you will be okay without me?" asked Jade.

"Yeah..Mun is going to meet some friends so I think we will be fine.."

Mun nodded after what Hana had said.

"Well..then I am going pick you guys when you are ready.." said Jade and drove off.

After that Hana and Mun walked where they had suppose to meet other counters.

"Are you sure this is the place?"

"I am..But..the counter who is suppose to answer me Leo is not answering.."


"Yeah..He was one of the counters who I teached when I was last time in Germany..Do you think something happend?"

"I hope not.."


There was silent. Mun then decided to ask Hana something.

"So..Hana are you liking Germany so far?"

"Yeah..Well of course it's little different from South-Korea but by far I am liking this place..Air is fresh here and I get to see different places.."


"By the way Mun.."


"Why did you ask me to come with you? It could been Mrs.Chu or Mo-tak..God even Jaok-bong.."

"Well..The Yung wanted to us to do this journey.."

(Which is lie by the way..The truth is that Mun insisted Yung to let Hana travel with him..or even begged them to let Hana travel..)

"It's a lie isn't it?"

(Nailed it..)

"What is?"

Just then tall looking man with blond hair came to them while waving. He had same outfit as counters but instead usual red or white strikes he had a colors of Germany's flag.



"Oh..Leo! It's been how many months? How have you been?"

(And I am saying..Leo is canon character and it is not someone who I just came up with..cough* like tvn came up with Dohwi)

"I have been doing great Mun! With your help we have become more stronger..Also welcome back to have companion..Who is this..?"

"Oh..This is Do of my..friends.."

(As you can see..It was even painful for me to write that down..)

Hana stared at Mun. Why did that sounded wasn't correct? Then what was Mun to Hana?

"Oh..a friend huh?"


Why did that sound so dissapointing?

"She is a counter too right?"


"Great! So did Wi-gen tell you about the problem we had?"

"No..She just told us about problems in overseas.."

"We have problem..We had recuited new counters too..but their training is lacking a lot and some of them are lazy and just in general not taking this job seriously..But not all of them of course but I think they need a little kick..of help.."

Leo then sighed.

"Also..Some of them are using their powers on stupid things and so that even normal people are starting to notice that.."

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now