One Shot #16

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(Mun and Hana are going to camping trip..or camping date..And they are not dating yet but will after..)

"Hana noona.." said Mun

"What is it..?" asked Hana who was reading magazine.

"I was wondering..if you wanted to go camping with me.."

Hana quickly closed the magazine and looked at Mun.

"As in date..camping?"

"Do you want it to be date?"


Mun smiled at Hana.

"So.. Do you want to go or not?"

Hana looked at Mun while he was smiling brightly at her.


"Great! Then I will go pack..We are leaving tomorrow okay?"


Mun left to his room to get his backpack ready for tomorrow. To other counters he looked like a little boy who just got a candy for the weekend.

"I wonder what got our boy smiling like that..?" asked Mo-tak

"Who knows..maybe he got himself a girlfriend.." said Mrs.Chu.

"Pfft! I am sure Mun would tell us if he had a girlfriend..And I am going to be the one who is going to get girlfriend before him!" said Jaok-bong.

(Okay..Jaok-bong whatever..)

Hana was listening their conversation and just sighed.

Whatever..Luckily for next few days I don't have to listen them and their stupid conversations..

Hana then walked out from the table and then she stopped..

Wait..I am going to alone with Mun in woods..And is it date or regual hangout..Okay calm down Hana..It's going to be okay..

Then the tomorrow came. Mun had huge backpack with a tent and other equipment. They had decided to leave early because they didn't wanted to other counters to questioning them and where they were going. Mun being honest boy he was left a note on table for others so they wouldn't be worried about them.

Mun waited Hana with smile on his face.

"Morning Mun.."


Mun looked at where Hana came from only to see her hair in ponytail. And this of course left him speachless. To his eyes she looked really I mean really beautiful and gorgeous.

"What..?" asked Hana

"Ah..nothing..So let's go.."

Hana smiled at Mun.

"So..Where are we going?"

"I thought we could take this bus to Donggang riverview ..I think it's going to be good place or do you want to go somewhere else.."

"No that actually sounds pretty good.."

"Good..Then let's go...Oh before I forgot I have to take our snacks with me.."

Hana looked curiously at Mun who went to their fridge and got himself some pre-made food. There was also one snack that got Hana's attension.

"Dry mangos?"

"I asked Mrs.Chu what would be good snack for camping trip and she answered that these would be good.."


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing..I thought.."

(That Mun would know her favorite snack..🤭)

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now