One Shot #8 part 2

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(Part 2 Let's goooooo...!!!!)

Mun's school day had ended. He then
looked at the sky and saw dark clouds above. Then it started raining.

Well..good thing a got a umbrella..

He was going to leave until he saw Hana with worried face and she was pacing back and forward. Mun then looked around and was checking that nobody was watching them. Until he went to talk to Hana.

(Poor..Mun..He has such low self-esteem.and he doesn't know does he even deserve to hangout with Hana😔😔)

"Hi..Hana..What's wrong?"

"Oh..Mun..Hi! Well..It's just that..I had forgotten my umbrella.."

"I see.."

Mun then looked outside and without saying anything gave his umbrella to Hana.


"Use it..You need it more.." said Mun and putted his hoodie and cap on.

"You need it more." said Mun again and started running.

"Wait..Mun!! We could have.." started Hana but Mun was already far way..

"Shared the umbrella together.." said Hana quietly

After that day Hana didn't see Mun anywhere. He wasn't in libary or cafeteria. Hana felt sad. She really enjoyed Mun's company unlike Dohwi's who came bothering her almost every single day.

But then came to day when Mun came to school.

"Look Hana! There came skipper!! Can't be trusted!" shouted Dohwi in the hallways.

Mun stared at Dohwi and ignored boy's insults.

"Apperently..being making me a skipper.." said Mun quietly but enough to Dohwi.

Dohwi turned around and was going to hit Mun but Hana got between them.

"Hey..Dohwi..Stop it already.."

Hana was trying to get between them but Dohwi throwed Hana a ground. Mun went to between Dohwi and Hana trying to protecting her.

But Dohwi who was in so much anger went over to Mun and hit him with his soccer shoe to his head so hard it started bleeding. Mun looked at Dohwi with fierce look in his eyes eventhough his head was bleeding.

"Go..On you piece of shit!! Do whatever you want with me but don't you dare touch Hana noona!! She means the world for me.."

"What..are you a demon?! Leave Hana to me!!"

"Just after you throwed her at floor!! There is no way I will leave Hana to you!!"

Dohwi was growling with anger and was charging a new attack until he heard teacher's call.

"Park Dohwi!! What are you doing?!"


"I saw enough..I have received multiple complains about you..Let's go to principal office now!!"

Dohwi was muttering under his breath but was forced to escort to principal's office.

(Gosh..I can't believe I had to google what was Dohwi's last name😒😒)

Mun turned around and saw Hana who was slighly shaking with fear.


"I am sorry Mun! He was my childhood friend and I don't understand what came over him!"

"It's okay.."

"No! It's not..He hurted you.."

"I am just glad that you are okay..."

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt