One Shot #19

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(Both Mun and Sung-Young fell in coma and Hana and Jade are trying to save them..It's not going to be easy task though..since both them don't seem to wake up)

"Mun!! Sung-Young!!" shouted other counters who were running to them.

"Stay with me Mun!" shouted Hana

"Stay with me Sung-Young!!" shouted Jade

They all runned to the scene and then Hana who was looking both of their hairs. They were back to Mun's hair was before.

"They were suppose to your teams ace!! No matter..I will destroy all of you once for all you when they are back!!" said evil spirit and left..

Hana could feel her breathing to tense up. This was bringing back her back at that moment when all of them almost lost Mun...But this time it was worst..Sung-Young who was one of the strongest counter in their team now was at the floor looking defeated and eyes closed..

Hang in there! Mun and Sung-Young..

She then looked at Jade. And noticed how terrified her experission was..It also reminded Hana how she was when Mun was in that state...

"Mun! Don't worry we got you!" said Mrs.Chu and started healing him..

Jade did the same but with Sung-Young but it was clear that she was shaking

"We have to hurry!"

All of them carried Mun and Sung-Young to their hideout. Hana stayed behind with Jade who clearly had panick attack from the whole situation.


"It's my fault! I didn't see them..and I didn't notice! I.."

"You need to calm down.."

"How can I calm down?! They were attacked! You probably don't know feels.."

Hana then looked at Jade and hugged her. It was probably first time that happend..And if Hana would have been the same when she was 2 years ago she maybe wouldn't have hugged Jade...

"I know Jade..I know that perfectly well..We have didn't told you but before you came here..but Mun had similar situation..where he lost his powers.."

After their hug Jade looked at Hana and she could see that she wasn't lying. Oh.. How painful Hana's eyes looked..

"I am sorry..I.."

"I know you panicked..we have to calm down first and then figure out how we are going to save those two.."

Jade nodded and decided to get some water to drink. Hana was then left alone and then she started to think..

Why are you doing this Seo Mun? Do you really have to sacrifice everything all the time..? And you too Seo Sung-Young..? Why did you do it? Don't you two think what kind of impact you have both me and Jade..?

Hana then took a deep breath..

How can we save them when both them are in this state?

So couple days went by..And either Mun or Sung-Young had not woken up and their hair was still the same.

"How did you save Mun last time?" asked Jade.

"I went to his memories and.." said Hana and then stopped..

"Can you do that again?"

"I am not sure..I can go to Mun's memories but I don't know about Sung-Young's.."

Jade then looked at Sung-Young who looked like she was still in her sleep.

"I can go Sung-Young memories then.."

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now