One Shot #17 part 2

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"So..Do you have any idea what talent show they are taking a part of..?" asked Mun.

"I am working on it hold on.." said Sung-Young and was looking for it from her laptop..

She then saw it. It was called ES talent show. Mun then looked at Sung-Young. He saw how pale she went after seeing that name..

"What's wrong? Do you know that talent show?" said Mun.

"Yes..I do..During my high school years it was a big thing to join..You could win a lot of money from it but.."

"But what?"

"You can only join with family a duo.."

"I see..How do you know?"

"How..? My parents were the ones who held most of them..And dragged me along too.."

" know what do in those.."

"Kinda yeah..If I remember correctly the duo has to perform each atleast one solo song, one song as duo and dance performance.."

Mun looked terrified.

"I don't know how to dance! Or sing or.."

"Well that's a fucking lie..!"

(Sung-Young again is spitting facts..)


"Mun..listen..I have heard how you sing..It's unique..And I know you should have show this talent to the world..Like I did.."

"What are you talking about..?"

" suppose to become an some point..And took some training to it because my parents wanted to and also I wanted it too.."

"Really..You never told me..or..did you know about this?"

"Neither..Just seeing this ES..talent show is bringing me some memories back..of the life I lived before I become counter..And memories I didn't know I had..

"I see.."

Sung-Young smiled and then continued.

"Although I don't remember how hard worked to become an idol..I still have some skills from that time..And it's a nice throwback..Mun..Don't worry we can win this.."

"Really? But there is only 2 weeks when.."

"It's perfect time to get ready..Mun..Let's do this.."

"Do you think you really can..?"

"Help us to get ready?..The hell I can Mun..You are asking ex-trainee for that?"

"Okay..Okay..So let's begin..It also says that we have to choose a name for our group/duo..Do you have any ideas?"

Sung-Young looked puzled and thought about it.

"How about..Double Face?"

"Double Face?"

"I think that would sound cool and mysterious.."

(Guys okay..I got the idea from Ensemble Stars..because I miss some certain group really really much!!! YES I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU DOUBLE FACE!! LIKE DAMN THIS YEAR! FIRST THEY DISPAND AND THEN MUNHANA DON'T BECOME COUPLE..🙂🙂 I AM FINE..(i am not..) )

"Now that you say that way..It does..Let's go with it!"

"Wait a second.." said Sung-Young.

Mun went silent.

"It says we have to have matching outfits..That's new.."

"Can we wear our counter outfits?"

"It's going to give us away..Hmm.."

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now