One Shot 11#

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(Rivals to lovers AU!! JUST disclamer: This AU has nothing to do with High School AU or University AU..Mun and Hana are in same university and well..are not getting along with eachother..)

Mun looked in disgust how again he had lost to one of the top student in university Do Hana.

He hated losing especially for someone like Do Hana who was already perfect at everything.

Why she has to be always at the top?! Is there anything I can do to be at top atleast once?!

Mun looked how Do Hana was smirking at his direction. It made him more and more irritated. Mun decided to calm down and just sighed in defeat. That was until Do Hana walked to Mun with knowing smirk on her face.

"See that Seo Mun? I won again!!"

"Can you just be quiet?" said Mun with disgust in his face.

"Hey! You should be happy! This was..How was it..? Oh! Right..your 100th time to lose to me!!"

"What is there to be happy about Ms.Do?"

Mun could only notice fierce look on Hana's face until their bell rang and they had to go another lesson.

"What is wrong with that boy?" asked Hana from his friend Dohwi.

(Okay..Okay..I will write nice Dohwi in this chapter..Or I am??🤔🤔)

"Who knows..but why are you invested to get Mun's attension by being competation?"

Hana sighed and then sighed..

"Because I haven't seen that boy's smile ever.."

(Yes..Mun is in his emo era..Jk..)

"And you want to make him smile by making him lose..?"


"Okay..whatever.." said Dohwi.

Mun on other hand was making his way to art class. He was watching his phone and then noticed Do Hana with Park Dohwi. It made him frown.

Gosh..I wished that they weren't in my class..They are just high and mighty people..who think that people lower than them are nothing but piece of trash..But what whatever..I can focuse on art now..

Then the class begun and they got their assignment. To Mun's dissapointment it was project that he had to do with a partner and who was his partner..? guys guess it..It was no other than his lovely rival Do Hana.


Mun couldn't believe his luck. Why her? Did universe hated him for something? Mun looked at Hana's direction and saw the same reaction from Hana's face. Hesitantly he sat down next to Hana.

Why do I have to do this?

Mun looked over what Hana was doing.

Hmm..I have to admit..She is pretty good..But colorpalatte is wrong..

Mun sighed but Hana noticed this.

"What is it?" asked Hana with low voice.

"Your colorpalatte is wrong.."

"What is wrong with it?"

"This color doesn't go with that..use this.." said Mun and gave Hana his paintbrush.

Mun looked how Hana was painting.

"Good..See that color is way better.." said Mun

But to his suprise the girl didn't answer.

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now