One Shot #10

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(University AU!! Let's Goooooo!!A/n: Okay..I know their university life is quite short in this AU but I will still call it university AU since Mun is still in university..Okay..Okay..Let's GOOOOOO)

4 years later~

Mun sighed as he was doing one of his last art pieces as he was a student in Tokyo University of Arts. For obivious reasons he was overworked and also tired but this was one of thing out of two he had to do before he would be gratuating.

He and Hana had been keeping touch but they didn't see eachother that much. Mun's parents had already complited their missions in Japan and had already returned South-Korea. Only Mun stayed in Japan because he had enrolled to university there.


Mun looked over and saw his friend Yatora. Yatora was in same year as him. To Mun he was really great guy. A little delinquent but still he was really loyal, trustworthy and he had pure heart.

Him and Yatora had started as rivals but in the end they needed eachother. They were like brothers that both of them didn't have. Mun helpped Yatora to overcome his fears in himself and Yatora helpped Mun to find his confidence and worth.

"What is it Yatora?"

"Woah! Your japanese has gotten better!"

"Well..obiviously Yatora..I have been living here almost 4 years"

(*Le gasp* Does that mean Mun have not seen Hana in 4 years IN PERSON?..Yes that's right...Sorry😔)

"Are you planning on going back to South-Korea on summer break?

"Yeah..That's the plan..But I will be coming back since I have some other courses to do..and art pieces

"Man..I am so jealous..Hey! I got idea..How about I will come with you to South-Korea? I haven't visited there yet..."

"Sure..Thing..But do you have money? And what about you friends don't you want to spend summer with them..

"Yeah..I do but this is good opportunity to get to see something new..and maybe inspiration..And Hey! I do have money!!

"Okay if you say so.."

Mun sighed and looked back to his painting

I wonder..How are you Do Hana..?

In Korea Do Hana was working since she had already gratuted from university. What she had been up to? She had been studying psykology and is now in working as therapist. She also went to practice taekwondo.

The girl wondered how much she had to wait when Mun returns. To Hana's mind he had left her so suddenly that they didn't even had a good chance to say goodbyes when Mun left to Japan.

Although she didn't know that soon she was going to meet Mun again and this time both of them were ready to face eachother and their feelings.

"Okay..Done!" Said Mun to his last art piece.

"Already bro! What?!"

"Inspiration that's what..!"

"Mun and Yatora! Be quiet!" shouted their teacher Mr.Rosei

"Sorry.." both of them said.

But in the same time Mun was smiling..Only one last thing he had to do before he would be able to gratute..But before that it was time for summer vacation..

Mun decided to text Hana about his vacation and of course he wanted see her as well..and show his new friend to her..

"Ohhhhh...Who are you texting?" asked Yatora.

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now