One Shot 13#

326 16 8

(Counters are celebrating chuseok and they see Hana wearing hanbok. Let's just say...someone is mesmerized by it..)

"Do I have to wear this?" said Hana to Mrs.Chu.

"Yes you do..Since it's chuseok after all.."


"No buts! This is tradition so you have to wear it!"

Hana growled under her breath. She really didn't liked when she had to wear hanbok because it reminded her of her past and how she was celebrating with her family. Luckily Mrs.Chu noticed this and gave her warm smile.

"Hana..I know it's probably hard for you to wear it..And I am sorry if it sounded rude..about it..You don't have to wear it..I just wanted all of us take a photo when we are wearing hanboks..That's all.."

Hana looked at Mrs.Chu.

She probably feels the same as me..Shoot..

"No..I..I can"


"I mean..It would mean lot for you too right?..and our family.."

Mrs.Chu smiled.

"Alright then let's go look for hanbok for you then.."

Mun on other hand was struggling with hanbok. Like Hana he had not wear one for long time because he really didn't have anyone who he would have celebrated with. Of course he could have celebrated with his friends Ung-min and Jiyeon but he knew they had their families too..

"How do I put this one on?"

"Do you need help kid?"

"Sure..It would help me alot"

Mun looked at Mo-tak. He was glad that he was here to help him when he needed him. He was like a father figure to Mun.

"Is it been a long time since you have weared hanbok?"

"Yeah..last time I had weared hanbok was just before my parents died.."

"I see..But I have to say dark blue really suits you.."

"Really..It was my father's favorite color.."

"Of course..Also I can put your hair so you can wear a hat too.."

"A hat?! I.."


"Yeah I know..Traditions.."

"That's my boy!! I will wear a hat too.."

After all of them had their hanbok's on they went to location where they were taking their pictures. All of them were ready expect for Mrs.Chu and Hana.

"What is taking them so long?" asked Jaok-bong.

"Calm down..They will be here soon.."

Just as Mo-tak had said that Hana and Mrs.Chu walked at scene with their hanboks on.

"Oh! Look at them!! Looking good! Right?!" said Mo-tak

"Yes! They look good right Mun!!?" asked Jaok-bong.

Mun stared at them or rather he was staring at Hana.

"Mun?" asked Mo-tak.

"So..beautiful.." said Mun

"What is?" said Jaok-bong.

(Jaok-bong really..?)

Mun was still staring at Hana that much that he didn't notice that Hana noticed this.

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now