One Shot #20 part 2

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"How is my relationship life going?! What about yours?!"

"I asked you first Mun..spill.."

"Fine..! Me and Hana are taking things slow and.."

"Good..That's enough.."


"That's all I wanted to hear.."

"You are not planning something aren't you?"

"No..I am not..Yet.." said Sung-Young snickering a little.

"I don't like how that sounds.."

Mun then decided to ask back at Sung-Young.

"What about you? You know you can't dodge this question..this time.."

Sung-Young smiled and then sighed.

"That's a great question..I don't really know.."

"Huh?! What do you mean you don't know?! You guys were pretty close during fireworks. So then what was that?!"

Sung-Young then laughed a little and putted her hand on her head and rubbed it a little.

"I..don't know! Okay?! I am just hopeless, akward and desparate for love!"

Mun blinked. Out of what?..Confussion or fact that he had never seen his cousin acting that way..It could only mean one thing...

"Ohhhh..It finally happend..!"


"You have fallen for Jade! Took you long enough.."

Sung-Young smiled at Mun's reaction.

This is probably what he wanted..To me find a person who I can share all the moments..All the good things and bad things..

"So how do I express it?"

"What do mean? You have showed her that you can express love like: our performance together, fireworks and of course you are training her.."

"I meant alone! How do I express myself to her..?"

"Damn..You are really bad at this.."

"Thanks telling me that captain obivious.." said Sung-Young

Mun thought about it and then came to conclusion..

"How about we buy something to them?"

"As "them" you mean Hana and Jade right?"


"Hmm..It might be tricky..But we can try!"

"Okay so what does Hana like?" asked Sung-Young again.

Mun was silent for second. What did Hana noona liked? I mean what really she liked..Why was that such a difficult question? Mun had already known Hana over 2 years and he had spend time with her countless times but in the end he didn't know what Hana really liked..

"I don't..know.."


"I said I don't know.."

"How come? You have known Hana longer than I am..and.."

"I know that..But I don't know what she really likes.."

"Oh..So you want that something to be hmm..more meaningful for her?"


Sung-Young and Mun thought about what their loved ones would like..

"Well..Only way to find out is to go look things! I am sure we can find something.." said Sung-Young.

Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя