One Shot 11# part 3

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(Rivals to lovers AU part 3 let's Goooooo..)

Hana had left the university. In her way Dohwi was shouting at her but she ignored it. She was worried about Mun and wanted talk to him but she had not seen him in university this whole day..

Where are you Seo Mun?

She then looked up and saw Mun sitting in park. To her his eyes looked broken and red from all the crying


She noticed how Mun breathed fastly and it seemed like he had cried. He then turned his head so that Hana didn't notice the state that he was in..

"What do you want?" asked Mun..


Mun then got up and left while walking way from Hana.

"Mun wait a second.." said Hana and started following him.

Mun ignored Hana and continued walking.

"I said wait a second!!" said Hana and pulled Mun by his hand that he would looked at her.

Mun then saw Hana's face. He didn't see any happiness in it. It wasn't the face he saw yesterday no..Did somebody hurt her? What about confession? Many questions were on Mun's mind.


"Can you just listen to me?"

Mun was hesitant and then got out from Hana's grip.

(Mun has a lot of trust issues..😔😔)

"I don't have to listen anything from you..Your friend destroyed my art piece..How I am suppose to trust you..?" said Mun to Hana

"You knew..?!"

Mun didn't answer and continued walk away. Hana looked even more broken and she started crying..

Why? Why this happend..?

Then it started raining. Hana was alone in park. She saw people getting in their umbrellas and students running with their friends. She continued to cry until someone offered her umbrella.


She saw Mun with a umbrella. He had a still had an stern and cold look on his face. He then said:

"I am maybe cold..but I am not heartless..So camon let's go..I can't just leave you here..I'll hear you out..And also I knew it was going to I went to get umbrella.."

Hana stared at the boy. First he was ready to walk away then he was back.

"Then why didn't you say so?!"

"Um..Feelings got a head..Sorry.." said Mun and didn't even look Hana's face.

Hana then got up and holded him a little from his hoodie. Mun put the umbrella on Hana's head so that she wouldn't get wet. She then saw that Mun's other shoulder got wet because he was keeping a little distance from her.

"Come..Closer to me..You get wet.." said Hana while she dragged Mun more under the umbrella and in the same time closer to her.

This make Mun feel a little different. It felt like they were in romcom anime where main leads were sharing umbrella with eachother and romantic music was in back.

This is really akward..

Mun then stopped.

"Why did you stopped?"

He then took his hoodie off and putted on Hana.

"Don't catch a cold..okay..? Let's go sit that bus stop..So that we can look for cafe where we can go.."

They stayed while in bus stop while waiting for rain to stop. Both of them didn't say a word until Hana decided to speak up.

"You know..I didn't know that Dohwi was the one who ruined you art work..He just told me today..when he confessed to me.."


"Don't you have anything else to say?! You said before that you didn't trust me since that art accident! It really hurted you know!!"

Mun then looked at Hana. In the inside Mun felt guilty how he had blaimed Hana from it eventhough she had nothing to do with it..

"Sorry..I..just jumped conclusions..I..was just so angry that's all.."

"Still..You hurted me.."

"I said I am sorry..It's never been easy for me to express my feelings..I have been keeping my feelings as my own for very long time..Only way I can express them is through the art..That's why..So! I am sorry that I started blaiming you Do Hana!!"

"Stop shouting..I know..Is there reason why you can't show your feelings to others?" said Hana suddenly.

Mun was quiet.

"You don't have to tell me..But I been wondering about it since high school.."

"Well..The reason is that..There was accident during middle school..I started blaiming myself from it..and then I started to close my friendships and I didn't trust for anyone.."

"So that's why you haven't been smiling at school.."

"That is correct..I am pretty blunt when someone is breaking my things..And I didn't saw how you felt eventhough it wasn't you fault..I am sorry.."

Hana then hugged Mun.

"Thanks for telling me..It must been really hard for you too.."

Mun didn't say anything.

"You are quite guiet.." said Hana.

"'s a first time when girl is hugging me..So.." said Mun and he felt a little heat in his ear.

"Oh! Sorry.."

Hana then looked at Mun. She then noticed that Mun wasn't really looking at her much and how his ears had gone really red..

"Hmmm..? everything okay?"

"Yeah? I think so.."

"Your ears are red.."

Mun then putted his hands on his ears..

"You don't really need to hide it..I saw it already.."


"Are you..perhaps..blushing?" said Hana

Mun then got up and looked Hana.

"Me?! Blushing? No way!..I"

Hana then got really close to Mun.

"I can tell that you are lying..mophead.."

"Aish! Leave me alone then blockhead!!" said Mun and scooted a little from Hana but she got even closer to Mun

Hana then whispered.

"Is it perhaps that you like me?" said Hana.

"No! Because you are...too and you are driving me crazy..!!"

Hana then got up and holded her hands on air as defeat.

"Okay..I was wrong..You really like me!!"

Mun looked at his rival with blushing and embarasted face

How did she figured it out? I didn't even confess..

Hana then took step closer to Mun and kissed him on cheek.

"Don't worry..I like you too..Let's go to cafe then!!"

Mun just stood there in silence..and processing all of this

What just happend?

(One Shot #11 part 3📝📍A/n: And that was a Rivals to lovers AU!! Sorry if this came little bit late..I been making my Uncanny Counter cosplay and I planned to cosplay as our favorite main character Mun!! See ya in next one shots!!


Uncanny Counter (Mun x Hana) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now