118. BACK TO 2009

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Chapter one hundred and eighteen

"Back to 2009." 

All the way back in 2009, Caroline wasn't a movie star, nor a pop star, nor a glee club star, she was a nobody, with no father figure, a mother who always was scrambling around not knowing what to do and a brother who was still alive who was focused on being captain of the football team and dating non other then Quinn Fabray, where Caroline dressed only in hoodies and leggings, not really having a style and wore her hair either pin straight or in a ponytail, she was basically a nobody, having a secret book full of songs and zero friends or boyfriends and was a freshman.

In which she was walking through the hallway, keeping her head down and minding her own business and as she did, someone then grabbed her by the waist and picked her up spinning her around "care bear!" Puck voiced, as Caroline struggled in his hold "Puckerman! Put me down!" she voiced, as Kurofsky chuckled "this is Hudson's kid sister?" he asked, and as he did, Puck put Caroline down and lunged at him "yeah and if you go near here, I'll break your face!" he voiced, and when he did, Caroline ducked under his arm and walked away from him, and as she did, Puck scoffed shoving Kurofsky.

The next day, Caroline was sitting in the auditorium on the piano bench as she tapped the keys, someone walked in behind her "excuse me?" a shrill voiced, filled her ears and as it did, Caroline slammed her hands against the piano keys, as she then heard heels clicking against the floor "are you CH?" the shrill voice asked, as Caroline turned to the sound, seeing a girl with straight hair and a long sleeve, wearing a skirt and leggings, she quickly shook her head "no.." she told her, and when she did, a sheet was then shoved in her face "well you must be the entire auditorium schedule is signed out by someone named CH and seeing as your the person in here during the time scheduled and I've been watching you at every time that's signed out and your the only person who comes in here." the girl shared.

"That's creepy." Caroline told her, as she turned grabbing her stuff and as she did, the girl looked at her "do you know how to play the piano?" she asked her, and as she did, Caroline picked up her bag "no, I just like to sit at the piano and bang my hands on it to make a noise that hurt's my ears as much as your voice does." she told her, and as she did the girl looked at her offended "I'm kidding, yes, I know how to play.." she was telling her and as she did, the girl went to open her mouth "no, I will not play for you. I'm not a dancing monkey. And if you excuse me, I need to go." Caroline told her, walking out and as she did, the girl turned to her "well my names Rachel!" she called out, but all she got in return was the sound of a door slamming shut on her.

And the next day, Caroline walked down the hallway passing the glee club sign on, not even batting an eye at it, as she headed into the computer lab, sitting down, she signed in and went to YouTube, looking up her account, which happened to be under a name that wasn't her own but deemed Jesse St James rocks, where it was just a compliation of all of vocal adrenalines performances although they were mostly Jesse St James, and right now, she clicked on the most recent one which was his take on Justin Timberlakes Sexy back, but before she could put the headphones on.

Someone came up and grabbed them from her "these are for people who actually care to learn not some cretan like you who wants to get her rocks off on.." Quinn was saying, as she looked to the video "whatever this is.." she said, as two people were standing behind Caroline "I think it's Justin Timberlake?" Santana questioned, the one who always told her to keep her head down "it looks like a dancing shadow." Britney said, and when she did, Caroline quickly moved her hand, exiting out of youtube and signing out, she quickly stood up, walking out.

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