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Chapter forty two
"Purple pianos."

It was now Junior year, and all summer Caroline had been able to keep her relationship with Sam all summer a secret from everyone and it honestly made the two of them feel like Sandy and Danny from grease and it seemed their relationships ending had the same as there's because before she knew it, Sam's family was moving away because his dad got a new job out of state, but the two did end on good terms, so him being gone only left her missing her best friend who now was so far away, that their texts to each other normally ended with I miss you apposed to a good joke or a I'll see you tomorrow.

Walking down the school steps, she turned to go down the next level but instead got a camera shoved in her face "ugh, not again!" she voiced, seeing Jacob Ben Israel was back with his glee club terror as she began to try and run away from him but he followed her down the steps trying to go at the same pace she was "twitter says you're officially dating your best friend Sam Evans aka Trouty Mouth, aka Hobo McBieber." he told her, making Caroline scoff, as she stopped walking and turned to him "god! Look, Sam moved away so you all can stop calling him Hobo McBieber and especially Trouty Mouth before one of you online messengers get's a real life punch in the face from me, okay?" she asked, and when she did, Jacob quickly began backing away bumping into his camera man as he did so, the two then quickly ran away down the hallway.

In glee club, Mr Schuester was putting all of their trophies in the middle of the room as Caroline looked at her best original song one that was right next to their winning regionals trophy "Mr Schue, why are all are trophies in the middle of the room?" Tina asked "I was sure that our nationals trophy would grow during the summer." Britney shared "I want this image burned into your mind. This is the difference between what first." Mr Schuester told them as he then picked up their twelfth place trophy "and twelfth place looks like. It's also what it feels like." he added on "are you planning on bumming us out all year long?" Puck asked him as they all sat down.

"No. I'm planning on pushing you harder then you've ever been pushed. We made it to nationals last year. This year, I'm not gonna let anything or anyone to stop us from winning at all. I let you down last year, I lost focus let some broadway pipe dream get in the way." Mr Schuester told them "and we're really sorry that the guy who replaced you in April Rhodes musical won the Tony. I mean, I can only imagine you're regret." Rachel told him "you know what I regret? Being the laughing stock of the show choir world." Mercedes shared as Mr Schuester began putting the trophies back up "and that's saying something." Artie mentioned "Mercedes has a point. Finn and Rachels, the kiss that missed, already has twenty thousand views on YouTube, and the comment section is just full of pithy banter like, why is that T Rex eating the jew?" Kurt shared, making Caroline laugh.

"How many times do we have to apologize for that?" Finn asked "yeah, no more apologizing." Rachel told them as her and Finn looked into each other eyes lovingly, Caroline grimaced having been around that all summer if she wasn't with Sam "the school hates us even more now." Mike shared "which is why we have to work even harder this year to recruit new members. We're three men down." Mr Schuester shared "yeah, we because Puckerman couldn't convince Zizes to stay." Santana shared "she's the one that got away..really, really, slowly." Puck shared "where's Quinn?" Tina asked "MiA. No one's heard from her. It's sad, I miss her." Artie mentioned "yeah, Mr Schue face it, nobody's gonna wanna be apart of it." Caroline told him.

"They will. All they need is a little inspiration. And I happen to have some, courtesy of Al Motta of Motta's pianos. Bring em in, guys!" Mr Schuester said as these guys began wheeling in purple pianos "you guys are gonna love this." Mr Schuester added on "whoa, whoa, whoa! Okay, if there are purple pianos involved in this I am on board." Kurt shared "these pianos are repressed from foreclosed homes. There cast off's just like all of us. Used, in need of repairs.." Mr Schuester shared as the people who brought them in left "but there still capable of making beautiful music." Tina told them "right. So, Mr Motta, as a lover of the arts agreed to donate them to glee. I fixed them up, painted them purple, and the purple piano project was born." Mr Schuester shared.

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