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Chapter three
"Falling apart already."

Although after that performance, the most surprising thing was that three cheerios, one being Finn's girlfriend, Quinn, the other being the one who told Caroline to never make direct eye contact with her, Santana, and this girl Britney, as they all were learning the new choreography for the next song, as the guy at the piano played a tune "and five, six, seven, eight." Mr Schuester said as he showed them the moves "step and step, clap." he told them, as they went to the right they all clapped "and step and step." Mr Schuester told them as they moved to the left "and clap." he told them as they did so.

"And then turn around and down and up." Mr Schuester told them as they spun around but then it started to get confusing cause now they were all too close to each other to do anything without hitting each other "and hit, hit. Down. Hit." he told them "could we stop, please?" Rachel asked as Mr Schuester turned to her as the guy at the piano stopped playing "you don't have to ask me every time for permission to go to the bathroom, Rachel. You can just go." Mr Schuester told her "it's not my bladder. It's the choreography." Rachel told him "what's wrong with the choreography?" Mr Schuester asked as he turned to her, with furrowed brows.

"We can't compete with vocal adrenaline with these steps. You're a great vocal coach, Mr Schue, but you're not a trained choreographer. That's what we need to be the best. We need Dakota Stanley." Rachel told him as Caroline furrowed her brows "I don't know about that "but he works for vocal adrenaline and he understudied for the candalabra in beauty and the beast on broadway." Rachel mentioned "just because he understudied doesn't mean he ever performed." Mr Schuester shared "did you ever perform, Mr Schuester? After high school. Did you even try?" Quinn asked him, which seemed to make this days rehearsal strange.

And soon Mr Schuester just wasn't coming to glee club having missed six glee club rehearsals and when he was he just didn't care anymore, as Caroline sat at the piano playing a tune as her brother sat next to her, slamming his hand down on the keys "Finn!" she voiced as Finn laughed, Rachel stepped in holding a plate of cookies "he's not coming." she told them "what happened?" Finn asked her as everyone in the room looked at her as Rachel shared that he basically didn't have time for them anymore as he was focusing more on acafellas his new boyband group "of course he wants nothing to do with us after you kicked him in the nads." Finn told her as he stood up.

"Then why did he thank me?" Rachel asked as Finn rolled his eyes, Caroline slammed her hands down on the piano keys, knowing Rachel couldn't be more stupid "the goal is to win, and now that Mr Schuester has agreed to let us hire Dakota Stanley, we can." Santana shared "but he doesn't want us to. He just doesn't have the confidence to coach us anymore. Guys are real sensitive when it comes to this kind of stuff." Finn shared "and that's my fault?" Rachel asked "you see anyone else in here with a plate of I'm sorry cookies? I don't, just you." Finn told her as Rachel looked down at the floor.

Quinn then stood up from her chair "I'm bored. All those in favor of hiring Dakota Stanley?" she asked, raising her hand and as she did so did Kurt, Tina and Mercedes along with Rachel where Artie then slightly put his own hand up but when Finn and Caroline looked at him, he quickly put it down but it seemed the two were overruled as Caroline huffed, pushing herself up and grabbing her bag as she turned walking out of the room as the bell rang.

Dakota Stanley, may be able to choreograph a good show, but he was a monster, forcing them to have a certain diet regiment that sometimes didn't even coincide with actual food, he spent his time knocking you down rather then building you up and you weren't allowed to leave rehearsals for any reason even for sickness, heat exhaustion or even chromes disease which was what one of the girls had told her when Caroline once shared her opinion of wanting to be one of them, where all in all, the man was summed up into one word.

 A monster.

So as choosing Dakota Stanley began to take charge, Caroline stopped showing up to glee club, which surprised her brother, seeing as he thought his sister wanted to be apart of vocal adrenaline where when the time came for her to have someone who worked with them, she didn't even want it which surprised him or at least that was until he met the man who basically ridiculed all of them.

And as quick as they got Dakota Stanley it was even faster that they fired him, where Mr Schuester even realized his dream of being in a boyband had it's time as he enjoyed being a teacher more, which was why they were now busy working on a new number "and down, clap, and up, clap, clap. Down, clap, and up, clap, clap." Mr Schuester told them as they all did the moves, clapping when he said too, and the cheerios weren't there "uhh, uhh, step ball change and head." Mr Schuester told them as they then clapped again "step ball change and head. Low and high. Low and high." Mr Schuester told them, as they clapped again, he chuckled, turning to them all.

"What do you guys think?" he asked "Mr Scheuster?" Rachel asked "yes, Rachel?" Mr Schuester asked her, as everyone waited for what she was gonna say this time "it was really good." Rachel said as they all laughed, clapping "thank you, okay. From the top." Mr Scheuster told them, as Caroline smiled.

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