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Chapter fifty four
"Hope ur ok."

Regionals was coming up, although as they were all sitting in the choir room, they found out about what Sebastian was planning on doing which was sending out a nude of Finn with heels on "that's it, I'm done. I'm leaving this classroom, and I'm going to beat that Sebastians kid's ass!" Finn voiced, as he got up to leave as the guys who were in there got up to follow him, Mr Schuester turned to him "Finn, chill." he told him.

"No, I'm not gonna chill. I'm done chilling." Finn told him, as Mike wheeled Artie in "the official show choir rule book states..that any real or perceived threat of violence, vandalism or humiliation will be met with the swift and unquestionable disqualification of the threatening parties team with extreme prejudice. It's right here, page seventy two, by law fifteen, section six, article forty four." Artie shared.

"Guys, I contacted the headmaster at Dalton." Mr Schuester shared "like you did when Sebastian almost blinded me? What did they do then? Same thing as they're going to do now...nothing." Blaine shared "exactly." Caroline stated, as Blaine went over and sat next to her.

"None of this matters now anyways, okay. We're not gonna let him beat us like this. I'm gonna perform at regionals." Rachel shared "even if he's gonna post a photo like this of me if you do?" Finn asked her, showing it to her "Finn, I'm not gonna negotiate with terrorists." Rachel told him.

"If someone posted a picture like that of me online, I'd probably kill myself." Sugar shared "twice..to be sure I was dead." Rory mentioned "look, you guys are just gonna have to deal with thing's like this. The more successful you get, the more garbage people are going to make up about you. They're gonna love to tear you down." Mr Schuester shared.

Although Finn was still focused on what Rachel said "I can't believe you would do that to me." he told her, as Rachel stood up "I'm gonna be married to you. Don't you think I'm gonna suffer the consequences as well? I just..I don't care about stuff like that. I love you, and we'll manage this together, okay. The important thing right now is that we win." Rachel shared "so, you wouldn't care if I photoshopped a photo of you looking like this and put it on the internet?" Finn asked her "our future depends on us winning regionals. It'll help me toward's my NYDA application." Rachel whispered to him "hmm. Hope you get in." Finn told her, handing her the photo as he turned walking out "Finn." Mr Schuester told him, but he didn't come back.

And by the next day, they all got interesting news about Kurofsky and how he tried to commit suicide all because some kids from his school saw him with Kurt at breadstix on valentines day and were posting mean stuff on his page and letting everyone in the school know he was gay, which was why Caroline was sitting at the floor of her locker with her knee's up to her chest, feeling absolutely guilty knowing she always treated him horribly because he was picking on Kurt, but if she knew he was struggling on his own, she wouldn't have been so harsh on him.

Starting to cry, she put her head in her hand's, and as she did, she didn't see Sam walking having been on his way to the bathroom from the god squad meeting, but when he saw her on the floor crying amongst all the students walking by, he quickly walked over to her "hey, hey." he told her, going down to her level, he went to put his hands on her shoulders, but when she felt his presence, Caroline quickly snapped her head up "no! No, don't try to make this, okay? Don't..don't try to make me feel better. I did this!" she voiced.

As Sam shook his head "no, no, Caroline, what happened to Kurofsky isn't you fault." he told her "isn't it? I..I always beat on him because he was mean to Kurt. I mean you weren't here Sam my freshman year, but we did Gaga week in glee club and that was when what Kurofsky was doing to Kurt was becoming a bigger deal, me, Finn and the rest of the glee club stopped him and his friend Azimio from beating on Kurt but..but I couldn't let it go especially when Kurofsky said that they'd bring other friends next time so instead of just letting them walk off, I kneed them both where the sun doesn't shine and told them that if they put their hands on Kurt again that getting hit in the balls would be the least of their injuries." she shared, sniffling.

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