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Chapter forty eight
"Secrets out."

Sitting in the office, Caroline was icing her fist as she sat next to Finn on Principal Figgins office as Mr Schuester and Shelby stood behind Santana at his desk "I'm sorry, but since a student had lit firecrackers..stuffed down his pants three years ago, we've had a zero tolerance physical violence policy." Principal Figgins shared "is that why you've suspended all the kids..who have been tossing slushees in our faces for the past two years?" Santana asked "slashes are not on the school boards approved list of suspend worthy weapons." Principal Figgins shared "here's what you have to understand. I didn't do it." Santana told him.

"We all saw what happened. You slapped Finn in the face, unprovoked, provoking Caroline to fight you." Mr Schuester told her as Santana turned to him "no. You don't get it." she told him, turning back to Principal Figgins "when I get really pissed off, Santana takes over by my other evil personality. I call her Snixxx. Her wrath of words is called Snixxx juice. I'm kind of like the Incredible Hulk. You can't blame me for anything Snixxx does." she shared "I'm suspending you and this Snixxx two weeks. No argument." Principal Figgins told her "sectionals is next week. If you suspend me, I won't be able to beat grimace, Taylor Swift and Mr Schue's butts." Santana told them, as Finn and Caroline looked to each other.

"Miss Corcoran, I highly recommend you do something about this." Santana told her "I'm sorry, Santana. Sectionals is important, but you need to be punished for what you did." Mr Schuester shared "I hate to say it, but I agree." Shelby told her "this is garbage. Hamburglar Finn is fine and so is Miley Cyrus." Santana told them as Caroline stood up "she didn't slap him." she told them, walking over "I know that fighting looked like it was real but it was staged, we knew the clubs were at an all time high us three staged a play fight. Where Santana fake slapped him, I got angry and tackled her to the floor and when I did we tripped on our way down and I hit my fist against the stage on accident." she shared.

"What is your angle here, Caroline?" Mr Schuester asked her "the truth." Finn said as he stood up and walked over "if neither of us actually hit anybody, then you can't suspend them, right?" he asked "no." Principal Figgins told them "then that's what happened." Caroline and Finn told them, as they turned and began walking out of the office, Santana going ahead of them "I'm a mischievous bitch, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the hell this is about." Santana told them as she turned to the two "well, you and Mercedes have always been complaining about not getting this or that and now you all finally have your own group and are talking a big game about how you're gonna beat us, so, I figured to keep it best as a fair fight." Caroline told her.

"Well, actually, it would only be a fair fight with me off the team." Santana told her as Caroline rolled her eyes, turning her hand into a fist to not want to hit her again "I'm going now." she told them, walking away as she left Finn there with her.

Then in the choir room the next day, everyone was in there including the troubletones as Finn wrote on the board "can someone tell us what's going on, please?" Mercedes asked as Finn had written lady music week on the board "this week the troubletones and new directions..will both be singing music created by and for ladies." Finn told them all "oh, hell no." Santana said "next week all of us will be going to sectionals, and one of us is probably gonna win. But, Santana, we're worried about you." Finn told her "worry about yourself, fetus face." Santana told him "glee's about learning how to accept yourself for who you are..no matter what other people think. And that's what this music is all about." Finn shared.

"So, wait. I don't even get a say in this? Not cool." Santana shared "everybody in this room knows about you and Britney, and we don't judge you for it. We celebrate it because it's who you are. Look, I know not everybody outside of this room is as accepting and cool but we're doing this assignment this week so that you know in this rotten, stinking mean world..that you at least have a group of people..who will support your choice to be whoever you wanna be. That's it. That's what we're doing here." Finn told her, as he then turned to his right "Blaine? Kurt?" he asked, as the two got up Finn went and sat down.

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