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Chapter fourteen
"Like a virgin."

During a break, Caroline was sitting in the choir room as the bell had rang, she looked at Tina, Quinn, Mercedes, Santana and Britney who were in there with her and decided to speak up "can I ask you guys something, without my brother finding out?" she asked as they all looked to her, she stood up and walked down the steps standing in front of them "it's about dating, and no it's not about Jesse or a new guy. But hypothetically if you're brother and mother aren't home, so you invite said boy to your room." she was explaining as she recalled the moment with Jesse at her house last Friday, in which she had invited him inside and soon the two were kissing each other, then they were making out as her feet began moving on their own as she brought him into her room.

Where the two of them then began, taking each other's jackets off and kicking their shoes off as they fell back onto her bed, reconnecting their lips "and it's hot and heavy, you're making out. And then he says.." Caroline told them as she recalled what Jesse said to her as they were making out on her bed "we should do it." he told her "really?" Caroline asked him "totally. Haven't you done it before?" Jesse asked "no. But I wouldn't be opposed." Caroline told him, as he went back to kissing her on her neck, but then they heard the front door slam "Caroline, you home?" Finn asked her, as the two then stopped kissing, looking at each other.

In which Caroline huffed at the memory "and let's just hypothetically said, I had to then proceed to shove the boy out my window cause my brother came home before I could even really decide if I was gonna do it or not. What if I weirded him out by throwing out my Virgin Mary status?" she asked "would you please stop talking. You're grossing out my baby." Quinn told her "I just..don't understand what I did wrong!" Caroline voiced, running her hands through her hair in frustration "just do what I do, never say no." Santana told her "oh, totally. I mean what's the worst that can happen?" Britney asked as Quinn gave her a look "sorry, Quinn." Britney told her "look girl don't ask me, the last guy I liked was the mayor of gay town. And I can't wait to get a guy mad at me for saying no." Mercedes shared.

"We just have to accept that guys don't care about are feelings. Like the other day I was walking with Artie." Tina told them, telling them how Artie told her to change her look and wear together clothing if they were gonna date "that's horrible. Him wanting to change you for his wants." Caroline told her as Mr Schuester who had walked in early stood up and walked over to them "hey, guys, I'm sorry to interrupt your little sorority but I couldn't help but overhearing. Are you really having that much boy trouble?" he asked "you wouldn't understand, Mr Schue. You're a guy." Quinn told them as they all nodded "well then maybe you should talk to someone else about it. Like Miss Pillsbury." Mr Schuester told them.

"I already did that." Caroline told him, being reminded of how she was sitting in Miss Pillsbury's office early in the school day wanting to know what she did wrong "oh, um, that's a hot button topic, isn't it? When to do that. This is the perfect chat to have with your mine." Miss Pillsbury told her as Caroline furrowed her brows "my mom just got off of my brother having not actually gotten a girl pregnant. I think me talking about my sex life with her is off the table." she reminded her "right, right. You, um, how about your brother?" Miss Pillsbury asked her "Finn will just start freaking out and divert the conversation, I mean he doesn't even like when I'm checking Puck out when he has no shirt on. Aren't you supposed to be giving me guidance, it's your job." Caroline told her "uh.." was all Miss Pillsbury said as Caroline then huffed and got up and left.

Then the bell rang for break to be over as Caroline rolled her eyes "whatever. I'll just figure it out myself." she said, grabbing her backpack and turning walking out of the choir room as the other girls followed suit.

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