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Chapter forty three
"Dance camp."

Sitting in the choir room, everyone was just chilling as Mr Schuester walked in right as the bell rang "all right, new directions! Big news." he told them, moving Puck from sitting at the piano as he walked to his seat "vocal adrenaline came in second last year at nationals." Mr Schuester told them "the only good thing to come out of that lost weekend." Finn shared as Rachel elbowed him "and us getting back together." Finn told her "well, the boosters at Carmel don't donate tens of thousands of dollars every year to come in second. So they fired Dustin Goolsby." Mr Schuester shared "so handsome." Artie told them.

"And they're having trouble finding a new coach. Seems that no one wants to take on that pressure cooker." Mr Schuester shared "that means there vulnerable." Tina mentioned "yes. And if we work hard enough we can beat them. Which is why I realized that, um, I can't direct the musical this year." Mr Schuester shared "no, Mr Schue, you..you can't cancel the musical. My New York dreams depend on it." Rachel shared "I'm not cancelling it. I'm just not directing it. My sole focus has to be in here. Nationals, nationals, nationals. And it's not just me that's going to have to focus harder this year." Mr Shcuester told them, walking to the white board "I've been too easy on you." he told them, writing on the board "so, everyday after choir practice. I am instituting a mandatory, booty camp, so that we can work on our dancing." he shared.

Turning to them all after writing booty camp on the board "now, it's not for all of you..just the people that I think need help. Like.." he was telling them as Finn interrupted him "Finn." he said "how did you know?" Mr Schuester asked as he looked to Puck "and Puckerman, Hummel." he told them "I must protest." Kurt told him "you kind have one move, Kurt. It's like this sashay, and it's super distracting." Mike shared "Jones." Mr Schuester then said "what? Hell to the nizzy no." Mercedes said "you told me once you were Beyonce. You don't think she spends extra time in the dance studio?" Mr Schuester asked her as Mercedes rolled her eyes "Mike Chang and Caroline Hudson have offered to be my assistance. And we start tomorrow." Mr Schuester shared as Puck raised his hand.

"And yes, Puckerman, it is mandatory." Mr Schuester told him as Puck put his hand back down, Blaine then raised his "Mr Schuester, would yo mind if I dropped by for a little bit? I really need to catch up with you guys." he told him "okay, Mr Schue, I'm glad that you're so concerned with our special needs members, but what about me?" Rachel asked "that was so offensive." Caroline said as Artie nodded "who's gonna direct the musical?" Rachel asked "ladies and gentlemen, your co musical directors, Miss Pillsbury and Coach Beiste." Mr Schuester told them as the two walked in "Miss Pillsbury, did such a good job helping me out with rocky horror last year that I new she could handle the job." Mr Schuester shared.

"And I'm here to keep the football guys in line, and I've also talked them into playing the jets." Coach Beiste shared "Mr Schue, with all due respect to Miss Pillsbury and Coach Beiste, this is crazy. They have absolutely zero experience in directing a musical." Rachel shared "not true. In college, I was in a funny thing happened on the way to the forum. I played the forum." Coach Beiste shared "the teachers at this school are already overworked, and unfortunately, a lot of them agree with Sue that the arts are a waste of time. Besides, they are gonna have some help. I've decided to include a student director this year." Mr Schuester shared "Mr Schue, I am honored, but Barbara was forty when she directed herself in Yentel. So it's just..it's too soon." Rachel shared.

"I hate you." Britney told her "yeah, so do I especially when he was clearly talking about Artie." Caroline told her "thank you, Caroline." Mr Schuester told her "me? I've developed my whole persona about conflict avoidance." Artie shared "Artie, you literally directed the run Joey run debacle." Caroline told him "and a bunch of other short films. Directing is your dream. You can do it." Tina told him as Artie then looked at them all "I'm in." he told them "all right. That's what I like to hear buddy." Mr Schuester told him as everyone clapped.

The next day, it was time for booty boot camp as they all were stretching, Finn was tying his shoes "listen, Mr Schue, I'm all for participating but Shane says I'm more of a park and bark and I tend to agree." Mercedes shared as Finn got up and walked down to the front "a what and what?" he asked "park and bark. I stand center stage singing the notes no one else can while all of you guys dance around me." Mercedes shared "booty camp is about all of you dancing, Mercedes, in unison." Mr Schuester told her as he walked over and held his hand out to her, in which Mercedes took it as he helped her up "I mean, look at vocal adrenaline. When they're in sync, one big terrifying machine, they're unstoppable." Mr Schuester told them, getting Puck up from stretching.

"Mike, Caroline, do your thing. Let's go." he told them as Mike and Caroline looked at them "the jazz square, the grapevine, step touch. the kick ball change, and pivot. We perfect these basics, we'll win nationals." Mike shared "and once we perfect those, we can work off of them do a bit more intricate moves like spins that don't just involve moving the persons arm in a circle and spinning them but for right now? Grapevine to the right! A five, six, seven, eight!" Caroline called out as they all began moving to the right "keep it going." Mr Schuester told them "I..am..In..hell." Puck told them on beat "think about it Puck, Channing Tatum get's the ladies, he can dance!" Caroline voiced, as they went to the left, then back to the right then back to the left "Finn, you look like your stepping on bee's. Come on Mercedes blend." Mike told them.

As they went to the left and then to the right again "Kurt, jazz hands!" Mr Schuester called out "fine." Kurt told him "Kurt, jazz hands may win awards on broadway but in show choir no one's a fan." Caroline told him as they continued going to the left.

They were soon back at booty boot camp as Mike, Caroline and Mr Schuester were dancing as Finn watched them to get ready to do it with them, Caroline then held her hands up as Mike and Mr Schuester high fived her "whoo! That's it." Mr Schuester told them as he turned around "all right, Finn." he told him, putting his arm around him "you got this, buddy. Come on." he told him, as the four stood together "ha, ha, roo ha ha!" Mr Schuester voiced as the piano started up, the four began dancing in sync but then when they did the spin, Finn fell down "hey, you okay?" Mr Schuester asked as he crouched down to him "I can't do this." Finn told them as Caroline walked over "yes, you can." she told him "I can't!" Finn voiced as Caroline furrowed her brows "hey, out of us three, who knows more about dancing. Us two or you?" she asked him.

"You two." Finn told them "that's right. Look, we both know you can do this, and we believe in you." Mr Schuester told him, holding out his hand as Caroline held out her's "one more time." Finn told them "that's it." Caroline told him as Finn took Mr Schuester's hand along with her's, the two pulled him up "here we go." Mike told them, as he clapped, they began doing the dance again as the piano played, and this time, Finn got down the spin as he then was following them along on beat "yeah, Finn!" Caroline voiced "yeah, there you go." Mr Schuester told him, as the four of them did a few more steps, then a big spin at the end, everyone then cheered.

As Mr Schuester hugged Finn, Caroline then hugged him as the others came over and high fived him, they all then noticed Quinn standing in the wings to their right "can I help you, Quinn?" Mr Schuester asked her as she even had her blonde hair back cause sometimes you'd see this girl in the hallway and you'd think it was her but then you'd say no cause she had red hair and a lot dark makeup and clothes on hanging out with skanks "I heard this was for people who needed a little help with their dance moves and want to win nationals." Quinn shared "that's right." Mr Schuester told her "so, I'm a little rusty. And, uh..would it be cool if I joined in?" Quinn asked "absolutely. Welcome back." Mr Schuester told her "get in here, girl. You've been missed." Mercedes told her, walking over to her and putting her arm around her.

"All right. All right. Let's line it up. Enough, enough. All right, let's get in line. Booty camp. Here we go." Mr Schuester told them all as everyone got back in line "oh, Kurt, um.." Mr Schuester said, walking over to him as Mike and Caroline began going through it with the others again and soon Mr Schuester, Kurt, Quinn and Puck joined them.

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