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Chapter forty six
"West side story."

The play was coming up and Caroline wasn't worried like she would be for a choir competition seeing as she was gonna be just dancing and singing in the background, but as the week went on, Finn told her something interesting as Caroline furrowed her brows "wait? If they're gonna be gone and Kurt's probably gonna be out with Blaine and you're gonna wanna be alone her with Rachel, where am I supposed to go?" she asked, following him down the hallway in their house "ask Blaine if you can hang out with him and Kurt." Finn told her as they walked into his room "seriously? I think with how much me and Blaine are singing and dancing together, I think Kurt's starting to think I'm stealing his boyfriend." Caroline shared.

As Finn huffed "then I don't know Caroline! All I know is you can't be here when she comes over." he told her, making Caroline chuckled "yes, because you can't get it through your block head that I don't have any friends anymore! And you were then who said it was supposed to be you!" she voiced, bringing her hand up and smacking him on the head "ow!" Finn voiced, as Caroline turned on her heel and walked out of his room, slamming the door on her way.

The night of the show, Caroline had been holding a boutique of flowers in her hands as she walked through backstage over to where everyone else was standing around Artie "dude, we have a problem." Puck said as she walked up "we haven't officially thanked you for everything that you've done for us." Santana told him as Caroline handed the flowers to Artie, everyone else walked up as they all applauded "all of us were so nervous and we didn't know what we were doing, and you were like the lighthouse that led us to the way." Tina told him "but I didn't know what I was doing either." Artie told them as he took a deep breath.

"When you're in a chair, it's hard to..ever feel like you've grown up. Everyone's always doing stuff for you. They get freaked out about saying the wrong thing, so they coddle you. Sometimes it's hard to ever picture a life of being totally self sufficient. But directing you guys.." he told them, as he exhaled "the way you trusted me, the way you looked at me and listened to me, the way you believed in me." he said, looking at Caroline at that part "it was the first time in my life that I ever..felt like a grown man. That's greatest gift you could give a guy, so..so thank you, guys, for the flowers, for everything. All right, show circle." he told them, as they all put their hands in "may I, chief?" Puck asked as Artie nodded "let's kick some ass!" Puck yelled, as they all cheered throwing their arms up.

And unknowing to Caroline as she went on stage, her brother Finn was going through a very bad time right now as Puck punched his hand into one of the set pieces "when I think about how we cam to America! Like children..believing, trusting!" he voiced, looking out into the audience "ah, trusting with our hearts open." Santana told them "with our arms open." Tina said "you cam with your mouth open." Rory mumbled as Caroline turned to Tina with raised brows, as they then began getting into the song as Santana sang.

"Puerto Rico

My heart's devotion
Let it sink back in the ocean (Hahaha)
Always the hurricanes blowing
Always the population growing (Hahaha)"

Santana then came up behind Caroline and shoved her as she moved across the stage and even though it was in the script, she swore Santana liked manhandling her a bit too much as she went over to the one's on the right.

"And the money owing (Hahaha)
And the sunlight streaming (Haha)
And the natives steaming (Haha)."

Then Santana had gone all the way back toward's Tina.

"I like the island Manhattan (I know you do)
Smoke on your pipe
And put that in! (Heh!)"

They all then got ready to dance as they clapped their hands, Caroline and the other girls started to move their dresses as they sang.

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