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Chapter fifty eight

At school, Caroline was standing at her locker and as she was looking through the mirror putting her lipgloss on, she she noticed Coach Beiste walk by her locker and as she did, she saw she had a bruise on her face almost like she had been hit, furrowing brow's she turned around "Coach Beiste?" she asked her and as she did, Beiste turned to her "yes, pumpkin?" she asked her "what..what happened to your.." Caroline asked her, pointing to her own eye, struggling to find the words, not wanting admit that what she thought was happening was really happening.

"Oh, I was just at the gym hitting a speed bag, but my timing was off and it came back and clocked me." Beiste told her, but Caroline knew what it looked like when a man put hand's on you even if Jesse never hit her like that, sometime's he'd hold her like that night at prom, so harshly that it'd leave bruises bruises on her and even more then that she played the mental game with him time and time again, and every time she saw him she always fell into that trap of his "but Coach Beiste.." she went to tell her, but Coach Beiste interrupted her "I've gotta go." she told her, turning and walking off, leaving Caroline standing there.

And her mind couldn't get rid of it, even as Puck was putting on a song that was supposed to be about school being out but it clearly was showing his troubles of hating school and potentially not wanting to graduate.

"Well, we've got no choice

All the girls and boys
Makin' all that noise
'Cause they found new toys

Well, we can't salute ya
Can't find a flag
If that don't suit ya
That's a drag

School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces

No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks

Well, we've got no class
And we've got no principals
And we've got no innocence
We can't even think of a word that rhymes

School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces

No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks

Out for summer
Out till fall
We might not come
Back at all

School's out forever
School's out for summer
School's out with fever
School's out completely."

And when he was done he threw his guitar on the floor and then stared at them all and when he realized nobody was clapping, he quickly turned and walked out of there, as the bell then rang, Caroline took a deep breath, grabbing her book bag and as she did, she began to walk out of the classroom and down the hallway, but as she did, three teachers then stepped in front of her "this is the one?" Coach Rosner shared, as Caroline furrowed her brows "yep, this is she." Sue told her, crossing her arms "wait, what? I don't understand why we're here for her? She's not involved." Beiste questioned "no, but we need her. Now walk back the way you came." Sue told her, and as she did, Caroline turned back around as the three teachers followed behind her.

Where soon the four of them were standing in front of Mercedes, Santana, Britney, Tina and Sugar "now, I realize this room is America's number one destination for cheap sappy moralizing but your insensitive behavior is about to subject you..to a whole new level of preachiness..." Sue shared as Santana interrupted her "is this about the comment that I made in the hallway earlier?" she asked.

"You bet your perfectly round ass it is." Coach Rosner told her, as Caroline raised her browns still not knowing why she was here "Coach Sylvester, I hardly think you're one to preach..on what we can and cannot joke about." Sugar shared "yeah. You make fun of us all the time." Santana told her "sandbags, I admit I can be a bit abrasive. And yes, I've fantasized about slapping each and every one of you across the face..with a sturdy wet fish. But that doesn't mean you deserve it. No one deserves to get hit." Sue shared.

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