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Chapter one hundred and nine


Sitting in their office, the announcements came on "attention McKinley idiots. It's homecoming week which means that a bunch of old farts will be creeping around the hallways like game of throne white walkers. Horrifying you with their beer belly's and liver spots. And that's just the class of 2012. FYI, the much beloved McKinley high homecoming dance is cancelled, let's say due to sharia law." Sue said, and as she did, Becca scoffed "you weren't kidding when you said these kids were in hiding. I mean look at their names! Harry Scrote. One of them just completely scribbled out their name. Tess T Cull. Hugh G Rection." she shared.

As Caroline chuckled, lifting her head up "Becca those aren't actual names those are supposed to be well thought out jokes from a bunch of idiotic football players who think it's funny, they do it every year and it was no longer funny to me because I got used to it but you actually thinking their real names made it funny again." she shared, as Becca huffed, crumpling the paper and throwing it in the trash.

Later that night, the two were at Mr Schuester's house along with Kurt and Sam as they all sat in the living room "I mean no kids have signed up yet other then defacing one of our sign up sheets which was expected but I can see though that the football team has discontinued the slushees and just directly bully people now so that's good." Caroline shared "ah, I remember those days. Dinner is served." Mr Schuester told them, as all four of them got up and walked to the dining room "but it does feel nice being back in McKinley and hearing Sue's shrill voice in my ear everyday just fuels my inner rage to destroy her." Caroline mentioned, as they all pulled out their chairs and sat down.

"Ah the Caroline Hudson fire, speaking of which heard you took care of those demon dogs." Sam mentioned, as Caroline held her hand up "I just feed them everyday I come in. She's starving them." she informed them "wait, so you three are co directing then?" Mr Schuester asked "yes." Kurt, Becca and Caroline said "although you can't exactly plan anything when you have no kids." Caroline shared, as the doorbell rang, as Mr Schuester walked away from the table to go get it, as they all began serving themselves "that can only be Blaine so we can start the show choir meeting between all of us." Caroline mentioned, as Becca huffed "do you think we're gonna have to pick from song artists or do you think it's gonna be more of the minimal stuff?" she asked.

"Probably more minimal. I mean we all have completely different groups of kids or at least we will when we find ours." Caroline mentioned, as Blaine and Mr Schuester walked into the dining room "hey, everybody. Oh my god, you will not believe the day that I just had." Blaine shared "why someone put their bow tie on the wrong way?" Becca asked, making Caroline and Sam chuckled as Mr Schuester and Blaine sat down "no. But sorry I'm late, what did I miss?" Blaine asked "uh, not much. But since I have you all here might as well get started." Mr Schuester shared, as he cleared his throat "we have some fierce show choir competition ahead of us. And, uh, I think we should lay down some ground rules." he shared.

"Exactly. Like since we all know each other, we don't share setlist in order for nobody to get an idea and take it from you which then leads into the spying which we all hated so let's not do that." Caroline shared "and no pouching." Mr Schuester shared, as Becca furrowed her brows "pouching?" she asked "he means we can't go to their schools and take their kids but the only one's who ever really did that was vocal adrenaline so if anyone has to abide by that rule." Caroline said, looking up at Mr Schuester as he held his hands up "I know." he told her "and always be supportive and clap for each other no matter what." Sam shared.

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