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Chapter ninety two

"Back to who we are."

Having been walking in the halls after cheer practice, Caroline had heard noise coming from the choir room and as she turned she found Blaine dancing in there and putting chairs together as she began filming him on her phone, he turned around and began backing up, as she laughed, opening the choir room door "yeah, Blaine! Show us your moves!" she voiced, as Blaine looked dat her and took his headphones off "Caroline!" he voiced running toward's her "oh, don't be ashamed!" Caroline voiced "Caroline, get out! Get out of here!" Blaine voiced, putting his hands up to the camera.

In which Caroline had shown it to everyone including Mr Schuester in glee club the next day, as they all laughed as she played it from the beginning "Blaine, this is nothing to be embarrassed about." Mr Schuester told him "yes, it is." Kitty and Sam said "that's a twerk fail, gawker nightmare." Blaine shared, as Caroline put her phone down and stood up "oh, come on! I really liked it!" she voiced, standing in front of them all "especially when you did this." she told them, as she started twerking "oh!" everyone voiced as Kitty ran down and joined her, Artie whistled as he began fanning them both, where the two then stopped.

"This is a revelation." Mr Schuester told Blaine, as Artie held his hands up "if this is turning into what I think it's turning into, I just wanna say it's physically impossible for me to twerk." he shared "I beg to differ." Kitty told him "oh!" Caroline voiced, as they all laughed "look how you've riveted by that video. That's the kind or reaction that we need from the judges if we're gonna one up throat explosion at nationals. We need to edge up are Americas sweetheart image a bit. Show the judges that we're not afraid to rebel." Mr Schuester shared as he now stood next to Caroline and Kitty "Mr Schue, what if some of us don't know how to twerk." Marley shared.

"Have no fear your twerktorial is here.  And if we can all dance like Blaine did in that video and Caroline and kitty did right now then we're gonna need a bigger trophy case." Mr Schuester shared as everyone cheered and stood up, starting to twerk "watch this Marley!" Artie voiced as he pointed at Caroline and Kitty.

The next day, they were all in the auditorium as Caroline, Kitty and Jake stood in front of them all "okay, listen up. Twerking did start in Atlanta in the club scene but it is global now. And whether you call it the booty pop, the p pop or the sissy bounce, all that you need to do it is.." Jake told them all as he turned around and put his hands on his ass and turned to them all "a working booty and the right attitude and education so we'll start with the basics. Caroline, Kitty?' Jake asked them.

As the two stepped forward "alright, you basic bitches. Feet shoulder width apart. Bend your knees. Turn them out, hands on hips. Thumbs on the butt." Kitty told them all as as her and Caroline turned around "and pop it, pop it, pop it." Kitty told them as the two twerked.

They all then were trying to do it, where Caroline clearly noticed that Marley was struggling "Unique, come on! You are a natural." Mr Schuester said "I've been twerking in my bedroom since I was six to miss Beyonce." Unique shared "hey, Sam." Jake pointed out "yeah, that was a white chocolate signature move." Sam shared, as Caroline shook her head "okay, no, no, Tina, Ryder, twerk in the back please." she told them, as she looked to Marley "and uh.." she trailed off, not wanting to be mean as she turned to Jake and patted him on the shoulder "that's all yours." she told him, walking over to Blaine.

The next day, Caroline was putting more mascara on in the bathroom and as she was, she noticed Unique walk into the bathroom as she quickly whipped her head around "whoa, what are you doing?" she asked her, seeing as the two haven't exactly been getting along since she used her name and face to have a relationship with Ryder which seemed to not go anywhere "oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was the little boys room." Unique told her, turning around to walk away, as Caroline scoffed "sure you did." she told her, as Unique turned to her "you really think I'm that stupid?" she asked, crossing her arms.

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