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Chapter ninety three
"Sunny LA" 

Having just landed in LAX, Caroline was walking out of the plane tunnel with a smile on her face as she had her guitar around her and carrying her duffel bag seeing as she was only gonna be here a few days, and as she began to follow the signs on where to go, her phone started to ring, as, she pulled it out of her pocket, seeing as it was from her dad, as she answered it "did you land in LA? Do you still have all your belongings?" her dad asked, making Caroline laugh "yes, dad, I landed and still have all my stuff, right now I'm just making my way.." she was saying, as someone rushed by her and bumped into her.

Making Caroline chuckle "where I'm gonna be picked up so honestly I.." she was saying, as her dad nodded "yep. Yep. You gotta go, I know." her dad told her, as Caroline smiled "I promise I'll keep you posted." she told him "good! Cause if not I'd fly down there myself!" her dad voiced "I wouldn't expect anything different. Love you." Caroline told him "love you, too, kid." her dad told her, as the two hung up, Caroline put her phone back in her pocket and continued walking, heading down the escalator.

And as she did, she noticed who she came her to see, as Jesse was standing there with a sign with a smile on his face, making it impossible for one to not appear on Caroline's face, where as she reached the bottom of the escalator, Jesse walked up to her "I can't believe you actually came!" he voiced, as Caroline chuckled "are you kidding? You call and say that there's a surprise waiting for me in LA and to back a bag and bring my guitar and that everything was already paid for and with how everything in my life's been going what was I supposed to do say no?" she asked, laughing as Jesse took her bag, putting his arm around her "well, Caroline, flying to LA was just the beginning." he told her, as the two of them headed out of the airport.

Having parked somewhere, Jesse had gotten out of the car, walking to the other side as he opened it, reaching down he took Caroline's hand as he helped her out of the car, since she was now blindfolded "Jesse, I always thought you were good driver but I'm not to so sure anymore." Caroline shared, as Jesse chuckled "maybe I should've warned you about how different driving in LA is then where we come from." he told her, as Caroline chuckled, she felt Jesse leading her off, as she furrowed her brows "so what are we doing?" she asked, as Jesse shook his head "you've been asking that since the moment I blindfolded you and I'm gonna keep giving you the same answer..." he told her.

As Caroline nodded "to stop trying to ruin the surprise. Yes, yes, sorry." she told him, as Jesse walked forward, opening the door, he lead Caroline in and as he did, he turned stepping onto the stairs nearby "okay, okay, step up." he told her and as he did, Caroline did so until they were finally back on flat land, Jesse looked around at the auditorium and noticed everything on the stage that he asked for, as the man he had talked to about her came walking down "Jesse! Where's this shining star you wanted me to meet!" a man voiced, and as he did, Jesse turned, putting his hands on Caroline's shoulders "right here." he told him.

In which Caroline turned to him "what?" she asked, as Jesse chuckled "what do you want to hear? A cover? An original? She can do it all!" Jesse asked the man "give me something original!" the man voiced, sitting down in a seat, as Jesse grabbed Caroline's hands again and began bringing her around the side, toward's the stage and heading backstage, he then stopped and took off Caroline's blindfold and when he did her eyes were wide "who the hell is that?" she asked him "a music producer." Jesse told her with a smile on his face "what?" Caroline asked "I ran into him and I told him about you showed him some videos and he said he wanted to meet you and todays the only day I could get." Jesse shared.

Who will I be, Jesse St JamesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang