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Chapter one hundred

"Always have high school."

Having been literally dragged out of bed by Kurt and Blaine, she wasn't even in regular clothes, but her slippers and her pajamas and robe "you guys weren't gonna let me change?" she asked, as Kurt furrowed his brows "so you could climb down the balcony and make your escape, not gonna happen." he shared "well if it makes you feel better I got into NYADA." Blaine said "wow, shocker." Caroline said, as the two opened the auditorium doors and walked in, where everyone was already sitting there as Mercedes was on stage "Kurt, where have you been?" he asked.

"Had to make a pit stop at home." Kurt said, as Blaine nodded "I got it. I got it." he said, as Kurt handed Caroline mostly over to Blaine as he walked up to the stage to Mercedes "you know being here with everyone has brought so many good feelings and memories. I mean look at Puck and Quinn, I mean I have no idea what's going on there, nor do I know where her boyfriend ran off too. But it looks like we can be expecting another accidental pregnancy sometime soon." Mercedes shared, as some people cheered.

Caroline furrowed her brows "how is that something to be happy about?" she asked, as Blaine found the two of them seats "but Allas with the old good feelings come the old bad ones too. Just today me and Mercedes were in the lunch line where a battle from way back in the day came out and we found ourselves at each others throats again." Kurt shared, as Caroline looked to Blaine "you dragged me out of bed for this?" she asked, as Blaine began putting his hand through her hair to make it look nicer "yes, I know, it's really hard to see friends fighting. But I'm glad none of you were there to see it." Mercedes shared.

"I was right behind you in line." Artie mentioned "because the most upsetting thing is watching two people you love fight over something ridiculous and there be anything you can do to stop it. But thankfully we made up and we've never been closer and we've decided to heal our hearts with a song." Kurt shared, as he started singing.

"I am changing

Trying every way I can
I am changing
I'll be better than I am
I'm trying to find a way to understand
But I need you, I need you
I need a hand."

Mercedes then sang.

"I am changing
Seeing everything so clear."

The two then sang.

"I am changing
I'm gonna start right now, right here

But I need a friend
To help me start all over again, oh."

Mercedes then sang lead as Kurt sang backup.

"That would be just fine (Hey!)
I know it's gonna work out

(This time)


The two then sang.

"Because this time I am
(This time) I am

I am changing

I'll get my life together now

(Oooh! I am) changing
(Yes, I know how)
I'm gonna start agai

Who will I be, Jesse St JamesWhere stories live. Discover now