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Chapter seventy nine

"A night of risky choices."

It was Mr Schuester and Miss Pillsbury's wedding and Caroline was asked the weirdest question the day before where Miss Pillsbury wanted her to be her maid of honor, which she thought was strange although since Miss Pillsbury seemed to be spiraling out of control more then either of the two usually did, she didn't really question it.

Where then in glee club later, Mr Schuester had finally returned "glee club!" he voiced as they all cheered and laughed, Caroline went up to him and hugged him as he hugged her back, the two then pulled apart "Mr Shcue, how was DC?" Artie asked "DC was great. But now I am back to stay." Mr Schuester told them all "holla!" Artie voiced "we missed you, Mr Schue." Caroline told him "thanks Caroline, which reminds me that for my first order of business I wanna give a big shoutout to the guy who made sure I had something to come back, too. Mr Finn Hudson." Mr Schuester shared as everyone cheered and clapped.

Mr Schuester then pulled out a marker "now, for this weeks assignment." he told them, walking around the piano to the board, everyone drum rolled as he wrote wedding on the board "ah ha! Miss Pillsbury and I are finally getting married which makes me the happiest luckiest man alive. Now Emma has been handling all the prep so to help out, I thought I'd take charge of the entertainment for the reception. And though this goes against tradition, it would mean the world to me, and to Emma, instead of giving your best man speech, Finn. You sing for us. What do you think?" Mr Schuester asked him.

"Uh, yeah, of course." Finn told him, although he seemed to be acting strange after just seeing there favorite teacher again "perfect." Mr Schuester said as he chuckled "for everyone else who isn't out with asian bird flu." he told the rest of them, as Caroline and Jake looked to Tina "it wasn't me." Tina told them, as the three looked back to Mr Schuester "which means we need some great romantic love songs at the reception." Mr Schuester shared "wait, you want us to be your wedding singers? That's so.." Tina was saying, as Caroline interrupted her "amazing. I mean we're all family here." she shared "great. I have some great ideas. Caroline?" Mr Schuester asked her, motioning with his head as Caroline turned following after him to help find one's.

Standing in Miss Pillsbury's office, Caroline had her maid of honor dress on, along with her shoes but as she did, Miss Pillsbury kept straightening it out "um, Miss P, I know that women are usually scared to get married but your starting to look like what I do when I'm pacing before I go on stage before a show, is everything okay? Cause you also asked me last minute to be your maid of honor which probably one of your sister's or even Sue.." she shared, as Miss Pillsbury huffed, getting up "I picked you because me and you know each other's secrets." she told her, turning around and grabbing the wipes to clean her shoes off again, but Caroline quickly stopped her "no, no. If you keep cleaning my shoes I think their gonna start looking like I've worn them and I picked them up yesterday." she told her.

As Miss Pillsbury huffed, turning to her "do you ever feel like you don't know somebody anymore? Like they've been gone for so long and then they're back and you thought things would just go back to how they were but they're not for you, but for the other person they are?" she asked, and when she did, Caroline raised her brows "uh, yeah, that's what happened between me and Sam where to the point it didn't feel like anything that I ended up cheating on him with Jesse. Why? Did you cheat on Mr Schue? Because I know he was gone but from a teachers stand point he kind of is like Justin Timberlake.." she shared.

In which Miss Pillsbury quickly answered her "no. No. Why? Why would you think I cheated? Did someone say something?" she asked her "no..I was just stating what I did. But Miss P, you've been in love with Mr Schue since like forever! And your past two marriages didn't workout because Coach Tinoka was a total creep and then Dr Carl didn't work because he was hot sexy danger guy who tricked you into thinking that afternoon delight was about having dessert. And the only other thing those things had in common was the fact that they were obviously jealous of Mr Schue being able to sing dance and the fact that you clearly still had feelings for him, I mean come on you wouldn't have just been hanging around the glee club for no reason." Caroline shared, just as the bell rang "I, um, I should go although people in the hallway are probably gonna think I'm crazy, so..I'll see on your wedding day!" she voiced, opening the door and walking out.

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