081. A FEUD

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Chapter eighty one

"A feud."

Finding out what had happened, Caroline was standing in front of Mr Schuester and Finn after a few days of disaster "I'm glad you two could at least agree to meet with me. Although in all honesty after you Finn kissed Miss Pillsbury, all I've wanted to do was smack you up the side of the head and ask, what the hell is wrong with you, over and over again, but I've been refraining of doing so, just like Mr Schuester probably has seeing as he's turned wanting to punch you into full on glee club tension which everyone can see." she shared.

Flipping through her papers "I mean the latte's where you Mr Schuester bought one for all of us and then told Finn they were wrong and to send them back. And then there was the dry cleaning fiasco about how your vests weren't even clean and that he should turn in subpar work." she shared, as she then huffed, looking to her brother "and Finn, your out of high school yet your issues seemed to have turned you back into sophomore year Finn who when he didn't get what he wanted would kick over a trash can. Cause when Mr Schuester gave props to Ryder for being the new version of you, you lost your mind and kicked over a music stand." she shared.

In which Finn rolled his eyes, as Caroline looked at both of them "this is a feud, and honestly a pretty nasty one. And seeing as you both trust me, I'm giving you an assignment for the week." she told them, turning around, she put her notebook on the piano and grabbed the marker, and wrote on the board "musicals feuds." she said, turning around and walking back to the two "and if you don't know, if this ever happened in any other school, someone would've been fired already." she shared, grabbing papers from her notebook "and I was gonna give you two freedom of musical choice but I thought that maybe leaving you two in the same room far longer then you two already have to be would lead to more tension so I made the choice for you." she shared.

"Caroline.." Mr Schuester told her, as Caroline interrupted him as she walked over "no, you always told me we never could let anything person distract us. And with regionals coming up fast after the sectionals debacle where we almost lost everything, I will not let this rivalry get in the way of us winning. So either you two need to be on the same page and team or someone needs to go." she told them, stopping in front of them holding sheet music "now, who wants NSYNC and who wants backstreet?" she asked, holding them up.

The next day, Mr Schuester had picked NSYNC which made sense since he was basically Justin Timberlake as Finn then got Backstreet Boys and it seemed they weren't the only one's being a part of feud week because Ryder and Unique were performing today in glee club, as Ryder played the drums, the new directions sang.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh."

Ryder then started to sing as the new directions sang backup.

"I was justified when I was five
Raising cane, I spit in your eye
Times are changing, now the poor get fat
But the fever's gonna catch you when (The bitch gets back)."

Unique then sang as the new directions sang back up.

"I'm gonna dress you up in my love (In my love!)
All over, all over (All over your body)
Gonna dress you up in my love
All over your body

All over your body!"

Ryder then sang.

"Eat meat on Friday that's alright
I even like steak on a Saturday night."

Although when Unique went behind him and put her hand on his shoulder, he got all weirded out and when he did, he looked to Caroline which confused her.

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