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Chapter sixty eight
"Presidential race."

Standing at her locker, Caroline was putting her books away as Blaine came up to her, holding a bouquet of roses "Caroline Hudson?" he asked her and when he did, Caroline turned to him and when she did, she chucked "Blaine, what are you doing?" she asked him "you our a show choir star. But that's not all you are, you also have a way of speaking for the people and so I come here today asking you if you will be my Vice President?" Blaine asked her, and when he did Caroline's jaw dropped "yes!" she voiced "oh, thank god!" Blaine voiced as he threw his arms around her, Caroline hugged him back as she laughed, although when Caroline hugged him, Blaine felt a comfort he hadn't felt since Kurt left as he furrowed his brows.

Later on, they all were sitting in the choir room as Mr Schuester was sitting on the piano in front of them "okay, as you all know as national champions, we get to host the annual show choir rules committee meeting." Mr Schuester shared "please tell me your gonna ask what one third vintage meant last year?" Tina asked "or why some teams get six songs and others only do one?" Sam asked "speaking of competition, shouldn't we start preparing for ours?" Jake asked "that is true. Mr Schue?" Caroline asked him.

"I have some ideas, which I am working on very hard." Mr Schuester told him, and when he did Caroline furrowed her brows, not believing him "like what?" she asked "um..well, I don't really wanna give anything away right now because.." Mr Schuester told them as he began to spin a web of lies, Blaine leaned over to Caroline having been sitting next to her and Jake "he's totally lying isn't he?" he asked "like a damn rug. Which is not a good sign at all." Caroline shared.

As Britney then raised her hand "excuse me?" she asked "yes, go ahead." Mr Schuester told her "I'm not sure if what you were saying was actually important, because I wasn't listening but I'd like to make an announcement." Britney shared, standing up and walking to the front "first, can anyone prove that Blaine was actually born in this country? Second I'm wrapping up the election by selecting Artie as my running mate." she shared "all right." Mr Schuester said as everyone clapped "I think by bridging the human/robot divide ensures students and vending machines will be voting for us." Britney shared.

"What?" Caroline asked, not understanding what the hell she was talking about "I'm still not a robot." Artie told her "well, if we're talking about our running mates then I'd like to share that I asked Caroline to be my vice president." Blaine shared "all right." Mr Schuester said, clapping again as did everyone else except for Sam, in which the bell rang and as it did all of them got up to leave.

Standing at Blaine's locker, Caroline and Blaine were talking strategy "so I was thinking we should go over things we want to change in this school. And maybe add a few fun things in cause that's how Britney one last year. And I was wondering if we were gonna.." Caroline was telling him as Britney and Sam walked up to them, interrupting them "Blaine Warbler. Caroline Hudson. I'd like to introduce you two to Sam Evans." Britney told them "um, we've actually met several times." Blaine mentioned "and he's my boyfriend." Caroline told her, as she turned to Blaine "we should go." she told him "yeah..." Blaine told her as he shut his locker "well, Artie and I challenge you and Caroline to a debate." Britney told them "your on." Caroline and Blaine told her, as they turned around and walked off.

The next day, Caroline and Blaine were walking in the hallway "if I'm gonna be completely honest, I'm worried that me picking you as a running mate is gonna seem like a desperate grab for the straight vote. If you don't look like a serious candidate." Blaine shared "so, what are you saying jeans and short skirts aren't a go and I should what dress more like we're going for congress cause I can do that." Caroline shared, as the two stopped walking, Blaine stepped in front of her "when's your next free period? I need you to meet me in the costume shop." he told her, as Caroline nodded.

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