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Chapter forty
"Helping others."

School was back on, everyone now knew what happened to Caroline and when they saw her in the hallway, she looked horrible, and maybe that was because she stopped eating again, started going to her therapist again who told her, he was the one to blame not her for what happened, that he took advantage of how he had broken her to get back with her.

But after what happened, she really didn't expect to see him again, especially not in glee club as they all sat in the choir room, Caroline felt very uncomfortable as Sam at next to her, he put his arm out in front of her when he saw Jesse standing there "new directions, I'd like to introduce you to our new show choir consultant, Jesse St James." Mr Schuester told them all and nobody clapped when he said that, as they all glared at him, having known what he had done "I don't trust this guy. How do we know he's not gonna trick us into doing something stupid so his alma mater wins." Finn shared.

"I don't think I need to do much tricking to get you to do something stupid, Finn." Jesse told him and Finn wanted to just get up and go beat the living crap out of him for what he had done to his sister, even that night of prom when they all got home, when Caroline said what happened, their dad almost went ballistic telling them how he was gonna go find him and kill him which worried Kurt and their mom, where he couldn't exactly remember how they talked him down from that ledge but they did.

"Guys, Jess is just a consultant. I still make all the calls. Now, I have all the confidence in the world in you guys. I think we could use all the help we can get, because.." Mr Schuester told them as he turned to the board that read nationals "this is it. We've been working so hard for two years for this moment and that moment is finally here. Now I was talking with Jesse and he agreed we should continue with out successful trend of doing original songs for the competition. I was thinking of doing one group number and one duet." Mr Schuester shared, looking to Caroline who had her hood over her head not even looking to the front of the room, and he didn't know what happened but he could assume it had to do with Jesse.

"Rachel and I should sing a duet. We killed it last year at regionals with faithfully." Finn told them "yeah. It killed us. We lost." Quinn reminded him "may I?" Jesse asked "uh, yeah." Mr Schuester told him "I would agree that Rachel should sing lead. But if I was being honest I was thinking Caroline instead. And Finn, I think it's best if you sit this one out, the fact is most of the other guys in here are better singers. And Mike Chang who can't even sing, can at least dance. You kind of sing and dance like a zombie who has to poop." Jesse told him "you see? See you what I'm talking about? This guy's a jerk!" Finn voiced "Jesse, maybe you could be a little more gentle with your advice." Mr Schuester told him "gentle?" Jesse asked him.

"Yes." Mr Schuester told him "I'm sorry. I didn't realize that we we're training for the, good try, ribbon at nationals. I thought we were in it to win the whole damn thing. And there's only way we can do that." Jesse told them "poison darts?" Britney asked "the vocal adrenaline strategy is simple. Identify your best performer and build the entire performance around them." Mercedes shared "so, what is everyone else doing?" Mercedes asked "and who's our star performer?" Puck asked "well, I was thinking before we get to that, that me and Caroline could show everyone how a duets supposed to look?" Jesse asked "sure, um, Caroline? Only if you're okay with it." Mr Schuester told her.

"No!" Sam and Finn voiced as Caroline smiled "sure." she told them, pushing herself up and walking down the steps, taking off her hood a she made it down to the floor "what song were you thinking Jesse?" Mr Schuester asked him "I was thinking one that's very much in Caroline's wheelhouse. What I've been looking for from high school musical." Jesse shared "okay, then, uh..whenever you're ready." Mr Schuester told them, stepping off.

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