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Chapter eighty two

"Guilty pleasures."

Walking down the hallway in school, Tina was running after Caroline "oh, come on! Just because Mr Schuester's not here doesn't mean we can't have it! You can run it!" Tina shared, as Caroline chuckled "Tina, as much fun as that sounds, I would like to remain friends with all of you so no." she told her, as she walked past a classroom, she spotted Blaine and Sam, as she back tracked "oh, guys! Good, um, Mr Schuester's out sick." she shared and when she did, Blaine was looking at her. 

As Sam chuckled "hey, just curious, Tina. Are you gonna go over to his house and straddle him while he's passed out and rub some ointment on his chest?" he asked her "that was a phase." Tina told him, as Caroline chuckled "okay, this conversations officially awkward. So, just don't come to glee club this week, okay? It's cancelled." she told them, turning around and walking off, where Tina followed after her still "god, are you all seriously gonna hold that over my head forever!" she voiced, as Caroline picked up her pace to get away from her.

Although, the next day Sam and Blaine had asked all of them to come to the choir room "why are we here, I thought Mr Schue was sick?" Kitty asked "yeah, why are we here?" Tina asked "and why do you two look like you're about to be in some weird workout infomercial?" Caroline asked "oh, come on, guys! Regionals is only a few weeks away. Even without and advisor we can't amount to miss one week of preparation." Blaine shared "which is why Blaine and I asked you all to come here." Sam told them as he went up to the board "we have come up with an assignment for this week." he shared.

"Please be songs about sweaters." Britney said, as Sam wrote guilty pleasures on the board "guilty pleasures? Seriously?" Caroline asked "come on. We all have some musical shame. You know what I'm talking about. You know, that secret love we dare not speak, but when it comes on the radio we can't help but turn up the volume and sing along?" Blaine asked "yeah, and we're supposed to sing one of those songs for regionals?" Ryder asked.

"No, uh, Sam and I were speaking earlier just like shooting the crap like two bros do, you know. And we felt really safe with each other so we decided to reveal our guilty pleasures." Blaine shared "and it felt amazing. Letting go of the big secret it made me feel so good." Sam shared "and we figured if we all share a musical shame with each other, we can all become a more cohesive team for regionals." Blaine shared 'Unique knows no shame, baby." Unique shared "so besides Unique, does anybody else have something they would like to share?" Sam asked.

"How about this is stupid and that musical shame should stay where it is." Caroline shared as Jake motioned to her "agreed. Unless you guys would like to go first." he told them "we thought, instead of telling you, we could.." Sam told them, as the two unzipped their sweatshirts revealing choose life t shirts "no!" Caroline voiced, as the band started playing, Blaine sang with Sam and the other new directions minus Caroline as backup.

"You put the boom-boom into my heart {Do, do!}
You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts
A jitterbug into my brain {Yeah, yeah!}
It goes a (Bang-bang-bang) 'til my feet do the same."

Sam then sang coming up behind Caroline and Jake and putting his hands on their shoulders.

"(Ah, ah) But something's bugging me."

He then turned and did the same thing to Kitty.

"(Ah, ah) Something ain't right
(Ah, ah) My best friend told me
(Ah, ah) What you did last night
(Ah, ah) You left me sleepin'
(Ah, ah) In my bed
(Ah, ah) I was dreaming, but."

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