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Chapter twenty five
"Rocky horror."

Sitting in glee club, it was almost halloween as Mr Schuester walked in "great news, guys. I've had a little inspiration. This weeks musical lesson isn't really a lesson. It's a musical. Rocky horror." he told them "I've never seen that." Finn shared as Caroline furrowed her brows "isn't that the one where everyone just has a lot of sex? And die as well?" she asked "yeah, Mr Schue? While we admire your choice of the ground breaking 70's musical aren't you worried that the adult themes might be a point of controversy?" Rachel asked.

"Seriously, a school in Texas couldn't even do rent. Caused an outrage and they had to cancel the show." Kurt shared "isn't that the whole point of the arts? Pushing boundaries, doing things people say you can't do for the sake of self expression? I've got it all figured out. I cut out some of the more risqué sections and I'm sending home permission slips to all your parents to make sure they're okay with it." Mr Schuester shared, walking forward and handing Rachel the permission slips "and we are going to change admission and use the proceeds to pay for transportation to nationals in New York." he added on.

As everyone gasped "okay, let's talk about casting." Mr Schuester told them "oh! Finn and I will play Brad and Janet." Rachel shared "oh." Mr Schuester said "and I'll be playing the guy in the wheelchair right?" Artie asked "that's what I was thinking. And I thought Kurt could play the roll of frank en furter." Mr Schuester said "no. There is no way I'm playing a tranvestite in high heels and fishnets and wearing lipstick." Kurt shared "why? Cause that look was last season?" Santana asked "shut up, Santana!" Caroline voiced, glaring at her "I'll do it." Mike said "really? It's like the male lead." Tina shared "I know, but I'm feeling a little more confident about my singing voice after our duets project." Mike shared.

"Great. I have no problems with that. Now, we're a little short on female roles so we're gonna have to double up on Columbias and Magentas." Mr Schuester told them, as Caroline stood up and walked down handing him her permission slip back "what are you doing?" Mr Schuester asked her "my mom and I made a deal that I'd lay low until this whole Carrie mess blows over again and doing rocky horror in front of the entire school is doing the opposite of that." she shared "right." Mr Schuester told her, taking the permission slip back as Caroline turned and walked back to her seat "it's standard practice on broadway. It'll preserve your voices.' Rachel told everyone else "I'd like to preserve you in a jar in my basement." Mercedes told her, making everyone laugh.

"Sam, I'd like you to play the roll of the creature." Mr Schuester told him "from the black lagoon?" Sam asked "Rocky. He's like the Frankenstein character, but blond. You'll kill the part. He's cute just like you." Quinn told him "better start working on those abs." Santana said "are you kidding me? You could cut glass with these babies. I have no problem showing off my body." Sam told them, as Caroline shook her head "Mr Schuester.." she was going to tell him, but her voice got drowned out "okay, looks like we got ourselves a show." Mr Schuester told them all, as everyone then cheered, Caroline looked at them all in shock.

The next day in glee club, Caroline was sitting in the back next although Sam decided to sit next to her which was pretty awkward since the two were no longer on speaking terms as Rachel, Finn, Kurt, Mercedes and Quinn were all dressed up, Mr Schuester walked over "all right, places, Finn and Rachel. I wanna start with dammit Janet." he told them as Finn and Rachel got up "oh, I cannot wait toll Finn takes his top off so we can all see the hotness underneath." Santana said "what are you talking about?" Finn asked "you can't have sloppy joes every day for lunch and get away with it." Britney said "um, that's incredibly rude." Rachel told them "is it? Guys whisper behind our backs about how we girls look every day. They objectify us all the time." Quinn shared.

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