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Chapter eighty three

"life changing." 

Sitting in on the auditorium Mr Schuester was in front of them all "I hold in my hand, ladies and gentlemen, our competition for regionals." he shared, as everyone cheered "drumroll please." he told them, as they all did so "from..north central high school in Indianapolis, the hooserdaddies." Mr Schuester shared "what?" Caroline asked, laughing "that's very clever." Tina said "and from our lady of perpetual loneliness in Battle Creek, Michigan, the nun touchables." Mr Schuetser shared "wait. Is that convent?" Blaine asked "didn't we have one of those like last year?" Caroline asked.

"Now, guys, I like our chances against both these squads but we still got a lot of work to do." Mr Schuester shared as Britney walked up "Mr Schue, please stop talking. I have an announcement. I regret to inform you, a deadly Astrid is headed our way." she shared, as everyone looked at her like she was crazy "wait. Didn't we just go through this at Christmas?" Blaine asked "yeah, and she made me into a school joke. I mean, come on! Enough of this world coming to an end crap!" Caroline voiced, standing up "Mr Schue I.." she was telling him as Mr Schuester nodded, motioning for her to leave.

The next day, walking into glee club, Britney was still talking about the end of the world and as she was, Jake spotted Caroline as he moved from the piano and over to her as she walked in "are you believing this whole world coming to an end thing?" he asked "no, because if it was, the news would've told us about it and we all wouldn't still be going to school. Don't worry about it, she's just crazier than usual." Caroline shared, as the two of them found their seats "alright, show of hands. Who's worried about Britney's meteor astroid comet prediction?" Mr Schuester asked as he sat down with all of them.

Nobody then raised their hand except for Sam "okay, well, here's how I see it. There are two possible options. First, the meteor misses us and we go to regionals, and we kick butt which will only happen if we prepare. Or, we only have a few days to live. And if that's the case, we need to say everything we need to say to the people we love. I can tell you for those couple weeks where I couldn't talk to Emma that there is nothing worse then unfinished business with the one you love. A meteor or no meteor any moment you have with those people might be your last one." Mr Schuester told them as he stood up "Bruce Springsteen always says, that he plays every show as if it's his last. And that is the kind of urgency we need at regionals this year." he shared, walking up to the board.

He grabbed a marker "so, this week, we're either gonna sing our last songs to each other or get in touch with what it feels like to do that." he told them, as the bell rang, everyone began to collect their things and walk out, in which Caroline walked out in front of Jake and as she did, Ryder went running up to him "dude, there's something I have to tell you." he told him "what?" Jake asked him, as the two walked out into the hallway "look, I haven't told you cause it's kind of embarrassing but also kind of surprising cause remember how when Caroline was drunk and telling me how I'm like the boy next door, right? Well, since then we've been having this text relationship together and she totally get's me." Ryder shared.

As they stopped at Jake's locker, Jake opened it as he chuckled "you and Caroline Hudson? Dude, I don't think so." he told him "well, you can say that but just this morning, I was taking that English test on 1984 getting totally frustrated about how I'm supposed to write an essay on the dystopian future when the book is set thirteen years before I was even born. And then I looked up to clear my head and there she was." Ryder shared, remembering seeing Caroline walking down the hallway outside of his classroom "I couldn't believe it. And I thought I was hallucinating cause she was kind of glowing like an angel but then she looked right back at me as she walked by. And I tried to get up to go after her, but.." he told him as the two were walking down the hallway now.

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