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Chapter eighty nine

"Prom queen." 

Sitting in the choir room, everyone was talking as Mr Schuester walked in "come on, guys, we're back with the Beatles." he told them, as everyone cheered, Blaine and Sam moved from the piano to their seats "we're leaving the mop tops behind and moving into their experimental years. Now, the rubber soul album marked a turning point with the group where they literally and figuratively let their hair down. And the Beatles were the biggest musical act in the world. They could've remained in their comfort zones, but instead they risked everything to explore new musical worlds. They had something important to say and they weren't gonna let something as silly as the fear of failure get in their way." he shared.

As the PA system came on "good afternoon, McKinley high this year all the proms are being fused together into one giant Brundle prom." Sue shared "what's a Brundle prom?" Marley asked "I don't get that reference." Jake mentioned "that's from the fly." Jake said "and now for the moment that will crush ninety nine perfect of your misguided views about your own popularity here are you nominees for prom king and queen. First here are your nominees for prom king. Blaine Anderson." Sue shared, as everyone cheered for Blaine "Mohammad Omar. Artie Abrams." Sue then said, as they all cheered again.

"And stoner Brett Bukowski." Sue then said "wait, I really didn't get nominated for king?" Sam asked "and now onto the queens. Caroline Hudson." Sue said and when she did, everyone in the room cheered, as Caroline smiled wide "oh my god." she said, knowing fully well that even though she was in the glee club, she was also loved by half the student body and was now head cheerio, prom was definitely looking up for one Miss Caroline Hudson, until "inexplicably. Tina Cohan Chang." Sue said "yes! Yes!" Tina voiced, getting up and dancing "congratulations. Six of you will be disappointed." Sue shared, as the PA system went off.

Tina was still cheering, Sam stood up "Tina, wow! Even though I'm not nominated. It's such an honor to be going to prom with a potential queen." he shared "oh, sorry, Sam. It was so nice of you to offer go with me, but I'm gonna have to decline your invitation." Tina told him "you already accepted." Sam told her "yeah. That is very uncool." Artie told her "losing is uncool. I need to maximized my odds of taking the crown so I think I'm gonna go with a group of single gals to corner the dejected wallflower.." Tina began and as she did, Caroline turned her head cause normally her nice side came out, but right now with it being a competition all that was going through her head was how she was gonna destroy all those other girls including Tina Cohan Chang and win her crown.

"So, can I count on all you votes?" Tina asked and when they did, everybody looked to Caroline "awkward." Unique said, knowing fully well that Caroline Hudson doesn't do well with losing, it said so in show choir today, and since Caroline didn't say anything, Jake leaned forward, putting his hand on her shoulder "uh, Caroline?" he asked her "oh, uh, yeah sure whatever." Caroline told them, although all her brain said was, lie, your a dirty little liar, but they don't need to know that, Tina then tried to put on a performance as the bell rang, Caroline quickly got up and walked out.

Walking in the hallway, Bree and a couple of other cheerios walked up to her "oh, hey, Caroline. Can I talk to you for a second? I was so psyched that our cheer captain was nominated for prom queen." Bree shared "thanks." Caroline told her "and then I heard you weren't gonna campaign for it and instead you were throwing your support to that Asian girl from glee club because you said, yeah sure whatever." Bree told her, as Caroline chuckled "that's because I lied. Ladies, destroying the competition is my speciality. So, if you wanna make campaign posters you can. But trust me. I don't like to lose." she told them, walking around them and down the hallway.

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