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Chapter ninety five

"A forgotten Christmas." 

Long before all the crazyness happened in Caroline's life, there was a normal Christmas back when she had broken up with Sam and was rolling with what life would throw at her and even more Finn was still alive, as the new directions all watched Mr Schuester write green Christmas on the board as he turned to them all "we're going green, guys." he said, as they cheered "I refuse to give up my wig a weave aerosolized luster spray." Unique said, as Mr Schuester held his hand up "okay, you're fine, Unique. This years theme for the McKinley annual classroom decorating contest is..green is good." Mr Schuester told them, as he held his hands out "Caroline, Sam." he said, as the two stood up, walking to the front of the classroom as Mr Schuester sat down.

"All right, well as seniors Mr Schue asked us to take over the decorating committee this year. So we're gonna need everyones help in order to win this thing." Sam shared as him and Caroline were standing a good distance away from each other and putting on their best Christmas faces "oh and by everyone we mean everyone because we win as a team and not just because there's an antique hand made glass blown angel that I want because it's supposed to have magical powers and bring good luck and with how my life has been going I really really need some good luck." Caroline shared "um, don't we all get to share the prize?" Artie asked.

As Caroline and Sam ignored him "we're going all natural this year. We're gonna get pinecones, LED lights." Sam shared, as Kitty interrupted him "are we getting those from the LED bush out back?" Kitty asked "hey! That? That right there is what I am talking about! Nobody talks back about anything! This is Christmas time! We..we volunteer and we make other people feel happy and joyful! I don't want any of your negative Nancy energy!" Caroline yelled, as Blaine looked at her worried "well, Merry Christmas everyone." Mr Schuester said, as Blaine started singing.

"Joy to the world.."

But everyone sitting down quickly held their hands up "shut up!" they voiced as Blaine stopped.

Later, mostly everyone in glee club was sitting in a room as coach Beiste stood in front of them "the McKinley high nondenominational Christmas club meeting has now called to order. Vice President Artie Abrams has the floor." she shared, as Artie wheeled himself up "this Christmas club looks an awful lot like glee club." Blaine shared "nobody panic but principal Figgins has just informed me that Mckinley's outdoor manger seen has been defaced with schwastickas and satanic symbols and baby Jesus was found stuffed down Figgins chimney." Artie shared "my god that's horrible! Christmas is cancelled!" Tina voiced, shaking Caroline.

"Tina! Tina!" Caroline voiced, as Tina let her go "Figgins has asked the Christmas club to step in and do a living nativity." Artie shared "Christmas is saved!" Tina voiced "and Artie and I have decided that Jake should play Joesph. I mean, Joesph was a darkly tanned jew." Beiste shared "thank you." Jake told them "I call dibs on the most arguably important female role in the history of the world. The Virgin Mary." Unique shared "you can't your black and you'd crush the donkey." Kitty shared, as Marley raised her hand "I'm a virgin!" she voiced.

As Kitty turned to her "that's a shocker to think nobody has tickled inside your musty mildewed granny panties except for the family of crickets that nest in there." she shared "yeah, well, you wear a smaller bra then me." Marley told her "girls, come on, it's Christmas and we've got a show to do." Ryder shared "wait, are manger scenes even allowed on school property." Jake shared, as Beiste and Artie looked at each other "auditions are tomorrow." Beiste told them, as she blew her whistle.

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