To his surprise, Jenna burst into laughter. "What? No. Why would you say that? That's not...that's not what happened." She crossed her arms over her chest once again. "James got in touch with me only after the cruise incident. Initially, he wanted me to return to you and prevent you from continuing your investigation, but I had already suffered a lot because of you. And I knew that you weren't interested in me anymore, so there was no point in trying to win you back. That's when I offered James something else. In exchange for helping me get back on my feet, I spent some private time with him. That's all. It's no big deal."

She blew on her nails, as if she was absolutely at peace with her decisions. "Sleeping with influential people in my line of work is nothing surprising. Sometimes we do it for fun, and sometimes it's just the need of the hour. James was giving me everything I needed without expecting some sort of commitment." She turned to face Ronin. "Unlike you, Ronin, he was simply happy to have my company. He didn't expect me to mess up my figure for something as stupid as getting pregnant."

"So, you walked out on the wedding because you didn't want to get pregnant?" Carmen couldn't believe her ears. Did this woman just say that? Sure, she had every right to decide for herself if she ever wanted a baby or not, but walking out on their wedding couldn't have been the most logical thing to do. She could have talked it out with Ronin. After spending some time with him, Carmen could tell with confidence that Ronin would have supported Jenna's every decision, even if it meant sacrificing his own desires.

But maybe Jenna never knew Ronin as well as Carmen did in such a brief amount of time. It just proved that she never was in love with Ronin. She was with him because she saw an opportunity—a powerful family backing her career.

Ronin looked angry. "So, it was all a game for you, huh? Our childhood, the relationship—everything?"

Jenna rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on, don't get all emotional now. I thought you'd be grateful for the breakup," she shifted her gaze to Carmen, moving closer. "You finally got the chance to make a move on this bitch."

"Jenna!" Eric grabbed her arm, furious. "Watch yourself."

Jenna snapped her gaze at him, yanking her arm away. "What's with you being all protective of her?" She looked annoyed before quickly realizing something. "Oh no. Wait." Her lips formed a grin before she laughed. "You like her!" She announced, and with the baby voice she used, every henchman of hers started laughing. "Poor you, Eric. You do realize this woman had her eyes on Ronin long before you even knew she existed, right?"

"Shut up, Jenna!" Ronin growled.

"What?" But Jenna was enjoying this too much for her own good. "What? You think I didn't notice? You, Ronin Logan, can fool others with that I-don't-give-a-fuck-face, but not me. All those silently brooding moments of yours after an argument with her. Oh, and let's not forget the countless times you conveniently bumped into each other in the hallway and in boardrooms, exchanging those deep, intense glares." She mimicked the gaze, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Classic love story stuff right there."

Carmen felt her face grow hot, suddenly beyond irritated and embarrassed.

Ronin, on the other hand, was seething with anger.

Eric was done with her annoying self, however. "Enough, Jenna! What do you want here?"

"Nothing," She moved back to the counter and checked her phone. "Can't just stand here and do anything. James told me to keep you well entertained."

"James can't be here. Mom apprehended him hours ago at the Rosy's club." Carmen pointed out.

"That's old news, dear Carmen," Jenna sounded assured. "Because if that was the case, he wouldn't have called me and given all these instructions. I'm supposed to wait here for him, and after that, I can mind my own business, and you all can do yours."

Before anyone could say much, the entrance door opened, and James walked in with two more men of his. He limped a little before he came to a stop, but other than that, he looked mighty fine.

"Well, well, well," James smirked, eyeing the room. "Seems like we're having a family reunion. How heartwarming."

A/N: Jenna and James having their name start from the same alphabet letter happened by surprise :P

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A/N: Jenna and James having their name start from the same alphabet letter happened by surprise :P

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