Chapter Twenty Seven- For The First Time In Forever

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(Not my picture)

Kristoff and Anna stand under the steep mountain looking up as they decide what to do.

Anna "What now?" she asked him.

Kristoff "Mm. It's too steep. I've only got one rope and you don't know how to climb mountains." He said looking down at the rope attached to his trousers.

Anna "Who Says I can't climb a mountain?" she rolls her eyes at him a little.

as Kristoff is busy getting the rope out Sven nudge him, and he looks up to see Anna trying to climb the steep mountain wall.

Kristoff "What are you doing?" he asks her.

Anna "I'm going to bring my sister back!" she said struggling to climb the steep mountain, her foot slipping from underneath her.

Kristoff "You're going to end up hurting yourself." He watched painfully as he saw her foot slip.

Anna "You're distracting me".

Kristoff "What happens if we get there, and Elsa doesn't want to come back?"

Anna "Of course she'll want to come back why wouldn't she?" she asked continuing to climb the mountain.

Kristoff "Well we've got to think, she's been scared for a reason to show people her powers and with Felix she might not want to come back and besides don't most people who run off into the mountains want to be alone?"

Anna "Nobody wants to be alone. Even if they think they want to be, nobody genuinely wants to be alone".

Kristoff "I guess we'll see."

Anna "Oh god please tell me I'm almost there, does the air seem thin to you?" she panted looking down at her boyfriend.

Kristoff laughed looking around as he saw his partner continued to climb panting out of breath, he walked around suddenly seeing a staircase leading upwards, striding back over to Anna who was still stuck on the wall of ice looked down to see Kristoff smiling at her.

Kristoff "Not sure if you want to see this, but there's a staircase right around this corner."

Anna "Ha-ha. Thank goodness! Catch! Thank you! that was like a crazy trust exercise." she drops off and lands into Kristoff's arms.

she hops off his arms and steps down, as they walk to the staircase Elsa built, they both look up in amazement. Kristoff was in awe of the ice work his whole life had been revolved around ice and seeing the talent that had been crafted into the place standing before him made his eyes well up.

Kristoff "Wow, I think I might cry."

Anna "Go ahead I wont judge." She said walking up the staircase.

Sven follows her slipping on the ice in the process and scrambles to his feet again.

Kristoff "Hey bud take it easy" he said helping his friend.

Sven sits down waiting for them both, Kristoff process's to climb the stairs still taking in the beautiful artisanry, Anna arrives at the front door taking in a deep breath hesitating to knock from past experiences. Her hand went out slowly to knock but she stopped, the memories of her knocking on Elsa's door as she would knock and wait but no one would come to open the door. Instead, she would be on the other side of the door being on her own as she waited for her big sister to one day open that door. Anna knocks and the door opens as her eyes widen.

Anna "Well that's a first." She said taking a step inside.

She looks around seeing the beauty around her as she stepped further in, she glanced back to see Kristoff.

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