Chapter Thirty-Nine- Questions

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Elsa "You're what?" she blurted out.

Jack "I'm immortal, we all are."

Elsa "I didn't know that.... every time I've ever research anything that's never came up."

Jack "You researched us?" he smiled.

Elsa "Maybe..." she blushed realising what she'd said.

Elsa head span with the overwhelming thoughts that flooded her brain with the information she tried to process but, she cant help going back to the one thing she couldn't let go off. The fact he had died and was immortal!

Elsa "Sorry... one more question, how old were you when you..."

Jack "What when I died? I was eighteen."

Elsa "Jack there's one thing that's bothering me" she said.

Jack "And what's that?" he asked.

Elsa "You said you've been alone for three hundred years but, how long has it been since you met the Guardians?"

Jack "Oh ermmm, not long really, I've been a guardian for two years now, I'm still new to it all I mean they've been doing it for a long time".

Elsa "How old are you?"

Jack "Three hundred and two why?"

Elsa "Jack, you were alone for three hundred years and you've only been a guardian for two years?"

Jack "Yeah what about it?"

Elsa "Jack.... You've only been around people properly for two years. Please tell me you were able to talk to people while you were alone before".

Jack "No.... they couldn't see me, so I was just one my own for entire time."

Elsa sighs to herself feeling the pain of being alone wasn't something she capable of not knowing she'd spend nearly nineteen years locked away from the world being afraid of what they would say and now she knew Jack had been alone for far too many and he made it seem like it was nothing while he talked about it, yet she could see the pain behind his colbat orbs reaching for something to tell him it wasn't okay. Her heart ached for him knowing he'd only really been around people for two years where he could finally talk amongst them and be noticed. She could feel the sadness in the room as they talked about his life, she felt the change in his mood, and he had every right to it. She laid on his chest still feeling his heart drum against his chest at an unusual pace and after a minute or two of silence she shifted her body and pulled herself up looking down at his eyes which were staring up at the ceiling until he caught Elsa looking back at him with a concerned look on her face.

Jack "What's wrong?" he asked curiously.

Elsa "Nothing.... I just don't like seeing you upset..."

Jack pushes himself up sitting up and crossing his legs while Elsa still looks at him with a sad face, he looks down to his lap unknowingly what to say until he looked back up and smiled.

Jack "Hey.... I'm okay now you don't need to worry" he says reaching over and taking her hand in his.

Elsa "No but I do worry I care about you. and I don't like seeing you upset".

Jack "Snowflake, we were bought to talk about these things eventually, even if we have talked about things that have upset us its good for us to get them in the open."

Elsa "I know its good to talk about them but, I just..." she trails off.

Jack "Look I know this is all a lot to take in, its not really what you were expecting". He chuckled a little to himself.

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