Chapter Forty Six- Reaching Out

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Anna sat graciously in the chair that was in one of the rooms. Leaning back, she sat listening to her dear cousin who'd been here for over two weeks now. They had been getting to know each other and had grown very fond of one another as the days went by and she couldn't get enough of the tales that they'd endured. From escaping the tower she'd grown up in and from thinking the woman she grew up with as her mother only to find out she was the long-lost princess all this time and she wasn't her mother at all, in the end though she had returned home only to be gratefully embraced by her real parents and with her boyfriend Flynn by her side she felt complete only she had a sense of adventure that Longed to be filled and with all the princess lessons she had to have made her miss the old days of looking out her window of the tower as she spent the endless hours doing whatever she wanted to do. And from that point Anna had learnt that her cousins were going to continue with their adventures as soon as they returned to Corona since Rapunzel had found her old long blonde hair returning after an incident that occurred which now flowed to the floor placed in a long French braid with flowers delicately in her hair.

Kristoff however had come to share a bond with Flynn Rapunzel's boyfriend telling their own stories of adventures, while Kristoff told his of his delivery business Flynn had told his stories of how he used to be a skilled thief and how he even became to steal the long-lost princess's crown that he happened to take from the two Stabbing ton brothers. Which then led to a chase off and resulting him in climbing a tower and coming across a girl that wanted him to take her across the map back to the kingdom with a horse that hated his guts. He at first thought he would get something out of it with him fluttering his eyelashes and his swooning smile, but something unexpected had happened as the days went by spending time together, he found himself falling madly in love with the girl of his dreams.

Anna "I can't believe that actually happened!" she yelled happily.

Rapunzel "Oh yes you should have seen his face, he was gobsmacked when he saw them staring at him. He just started dancing around while they rest of them sang around the room." She chuckled.

Flynn "What else was I supposed to do? I took you there to try and change your mind and you ended up making them sing about their dreams."

Rapunzel "Look at it this way, we found some long-life friends." She smiled.

Flynn "That we did." He smiled back at her.

Anna "Aww! You are adorable!" she said excitedly.

Kristoff "So Flynn was telling me your thinking about travelling around for a while, you guys thinking of going anywhere specific?" he asked curiously.

Flynn "Well we cant go to far once we get back to Corona where thinking just travelling around with a few friends of ours."

Rapunzel "Yes I'm really excited to explore some more!"

Flynn "Where is that sister of yours anyways? And the guardians?" he asked.

Anna "Well, North went back to his workshop for a bit he was worried in case the yetis where destroying the whole shop, but he should be back soon, he took the others with him to help just in case and as for my sister well she seems to be getting later and later everyday but, we both know she's busy with Jack." She giggled.

Kristoff "Anna!"

Anna "What we both know that I'm right, they can't seem to stay away from each other these days. I wish they would just admit that." she shook her head as she smiled like an idiot.

Rapunzel "Well from what I've seen Elsa seems very happy with Jack and after everything she deserves it." She smiled.

Kristoff "I'm glad she found Jack, its nice to see her taking something so seriously besides paperwork for once."

Elsa felt the warmth of the arms of her boyfriend wrapped around her waist pulling her in closer to his chest as her head rested there with content, her eyes fluttering open to the bright light and looking around the room. She closed her eyes tightly not wanting to move away from the comfort that she clung onto.

Jack "Good morning sleepy head." He said kissing her forehead gently.

Elsa "Five more minutes...." She buried her head into his blue hoodie.

Jack "Fine five more minutes, but where going to have to get up at some point." He chuckled to himself.

Elsa "Cant we just stay here?" she frowned pulling away from his hoodie.

Jack "I would love that, but we can't you know that..." he trailed off.

Elsa sighed deeply knowing he was right; she was the Queen after all, and she had duties to for fill and she knew that if she didn't there would be consequences with the council looming over her head and with Felix keeping a close eye on her she knew she couldn't screw up. In the back of her mind the terrifying nightmares still lingered in her mind reminding her that things weren't always happy from prying eyes. everyday she worried that a sudden nightmare would return but for now things seemed to have calmed down whether that was Jack was keeping her safe from harm or not, however she secretly thought it meant that something big coming this way. Her eyes snapped open again squinting as her eyes reacted to the daylight and taking a long deep sigh of relief to see Jack still laid beside her with his arms still wrapped lovingly around her waist. And when she see's his beaming white smile reflecting back at her as she smiles back her troubles melted away. The queen pulls herself up and once she sits up wrapping her arms around her legs as Jack sits up too wrapping his arm around her waist and smiling again.

Elsa "Your right we should probably get up, Anna will kill me if I'm late to meet with them again." She blushes a little.

Jack "Well looks like she will be its already ten am" he says.

Elsa "Shoot.... We better hurry." She says quickly getting up from the bed.

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