Chapter Sixty-Nine-My Everything

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Jack stood in the centre of the room his black clothing that resembled his grief as his hand touched the cloth that laid his sleeping Snowflake. Her arms were crossed on her chest and her head heavy with the silver crown that shone on her head. Flowers surrounded the area from the village. Anna the Princess of Arendelle stood beside him grasping his arm as she wept seeing the sight of her sister. Her black dress trailed behind her, and her long strawberry blonde hair placed neatly in a bun.

Jack "I don't even know who I am without Elsa".

Anna "You're the guardian of fun and forever in this family, Elsa loved you no matter what came between you".

Jack "I loved her too.... I just never thought she'd sacrifice herself for me, I always imagined that one day I'd have the guts to ask her to marry me and even start a family but now that's so distant and it'll never be true.... I never thought I'd find anyone who was like me who would understand what it was like to be alone and now it's done, and she's gone". He sobbed.

Anna "Elsa would want you to cherish the moments you had with her, even though she's gone she'll forever remain in our hearts. And so .... will Olaf..." she said placing a hand on his shoulder.

Jack "I just feel like.... I'm sleepwalking and I'm going to wake up and realise this is all a dream.... Oh, I wish how this was a dream.... Anna I'm so sorry it's all my fault maybe if we had never come here, she would still be alive and so would Olaf..." he sobbed again.

Anna "This isn't your fault it's not anyone's like I said it was her choice to make to save you and from what I've witnessed with you and her, you were meant to be..."

Jack "This isn't how it was meant to end we were meant to end up living our lives together.... I was even planning on surprising her...." He said sadly.

Anna "I still...still can't believe she's gone..."

Jack "At least now she can finally be free... like she always wanted to be..." she trailed off sobbing some more as Anna let her tears out too.

Anna "I'm the only one left.... How can I keep going with knowing she's gone? She was the one who guided me when I needed it, and she was the best big sister I could ask for. I know she found it hard to believe but I loved her so much and I know we had little time to spend together but how I wished she would have come out that room sooner...." She ranted getting her tears out.

Jack "If I had to do it all over again, I would trade my life for Elsa's in an instant so that she would get to live, so you would have your sister again".

Anna "Your love gave my sister so much joy and as you move ahead you need to remember that".

Jack "And look where that love has brought us, she's dead because of my love because I stood by and let my enemy kill her, I should have stopped him when we had the chance..."

Anna "Jack you can't keep doing this to yourself, beating yourself up because of the choice she made".

Jack "I've been left with nothing...."

Anna "That's not true you still have us, if only you could see that" she said feeling emotional, she took one more look at her sleeping sister and turned away and walked out the room leaving Jack on his own with his own thoughts of destruction.

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