Chapter Eighteen= Love Is An Open Door

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Jack hovered over the door watching the Queen as she continued to sob into her hand, the sight of her crying broke his heart into little pieces. He felt could feel the little butterflies begin to flutter again only this time it felt like they were dropping from his heart tearing him into two pieces like they would shatter any moment if he looked any closer, he turned his body going to leave until he realised that Elsa needed him right now whether so knew it or not and whatever was upsetting her. He slipped into the crack of the door closing it behind him without making a sound, Elsa still hadn't noticed him even as he sat beside her. And as she felt his arm snake his way around her waist pulling her closer, she didn't flinch, she rested her head on his shoulder feeling the warmth and safety of his touch as she sobbed the tears kept running down her cheeks hitting the floor with a sound of a pin drop. Suddenly she lifts up her head wiping away the tears quickly so Jack wouldn't think otherwise and as she locked her glazed eye on his blue orbs, she smiled pretending that nothing had happened.

Elsa "I'm okay nothing's wrong" she said wiping her cheeks.

Jack "Elsa your clearly not fine, why don't you tell me what's bothering you?" he asked sweetly.

Elsa "It's nothing...."

"It's probably because of that nasty man" the snowman said stepping out of the corner of the room.

Jack "What man?" he turned to Elsa, but she just looked down to her lap.

Elsa "I don't know what he's talking about" she shrugged her shoulders.

Jack "Olaf who is this man?"

Olaf "Oh he came one night, and he was being awful to Elsa, he said she was a monster but she not" he said placing one of his stick's hands onto Elsa's lap.

Jack "Pitch...." he snarled at his name.

Jack stands up from the edge from the bed feeling the angry cause through his veins, just thought of him hurting Elsa sent the instinct to protect her into overdrive. He gripped his staff tighter feeling the need to go chase after his enemy but, he didn't want to leave Elsa on her own Afterall that's what Pitch probably wanted him to do. He strived of causing fear to everyone, around him making them frighted and they shouldn't believe in the possibility of hope. And not to mention it would be another way for Pitch to lead Jack to his death, they'd been enemies since he'd joined the guardians, and he was worried even after defeating him the first time he knew what he was like always causing trouble. Jack knew how to cause trouble it was one of the main reasons why he was on the naughty list but when it came to helping the children of the world, he knew what he had to do. Jack was suddenly brought back to reality as he felt a hand on his shoulder as he turned around, he caught the Queens eyes, full of sorrow and glazed from crying. He dropped his staff to the floor with a sudden clang to the floor, wrapping his arms around Elsa as she rested her head on his chest. The warmth spread throughout his body sending little butterflies swirling into his stomach again, and as her head hit his chest the sense of home washed over him.

Elsa "Please don't be mad at me" she started to sob.

Jack "Why would I be mad?" he questioned.

Elsa "Because I didn't tell you....and I've been awful.... especially to Anna...." She cried.

Jack "That isn't your fault, and just because you didn't tell me.... Doesn't mean I'm mad at you."

Elsa "You sure?" she says wiping away a tear from her face.

Jack takes her hands as their bodies still pressing together from the hug, he moves one his hand up to her face wiping away the stranded tear that falls down her cheek with his thumb, she blushes, and he can feel the heat from her cheek as he drops it back down to her hands. Their eyes lock together, he can see the snowflake around her irises that bounce back into the sunlight. Elsa however couldn't help but feel nervous as his blue whirlpools stared back into hers, the sunlight hitting his white, blonde hair showing fragments of snowflakes in his hair and his cheeks blushing red from touching her hand. Jack gulped trying to speak as his mouth felt dry from the nerves until he found the courage.

Jack "Is it true?" He asked her with a soft voice.

Elsa "Is what true?" she blushed as she felt Jacks thumb rub the back of her hand.

Jack "Is what Pitch said true? Did he really call you- "she gets cut off.

Elsa backs away from Jack trying to pull away from his hands, but he refuses pulling her back into a hug. He knew why she was pulling away from him, he knew too well from his own experiences that when Pitch gets inside your head you come believe anything he says especially when he manipulates you into it being your own thoughts. As her head hits his chest again, she starts to sob, wrapping his arms around her again he gently places his chin on top of her head.

Jack "You know he's not right, right?"

Elsa "And how would you know that? We haven't even know each other for that long."

Jack "Trust me I know you're not a monster, I know it's hard enough for you with running a kingdom and learning to control your powers. I also know what it's like to be afraid constantly of hurting the people you love."

Elsa "I don't want to hurt anyone...."

Jack "You won't hurt anyone, but please promise me one thing?"

Elsa "What's that"

Jack "Please don't wear the gloves anymore" he said hugging her tighter.

Elsa "how did you...." she trailed off.

Jack "How did I know? ..... well just because you've been avoiding us doesn't mean I haven't noticed. "He said blushing at his comment.

He felt Elsa snuggle into him feeling the electricity trickle over his skin, and as he hugged her tightly the words that North had said to him seeped into his mind "Tell her how you feel."

Jack "Elsa?" he whispered.

Elsa "Yeah?" she said lifting her head from his chest, her eyes burning into his.

They're both silent for what seems like a frozen moment, their eyes connecting together as they are one. Jack placed his hand on Elsa's right cheek moving closer as she does, both leaning in with eyes shut their soft pink lips meet moving coordinated as they kiss. They both blush pulling away from one another Jacks hand still on Elsa's face lingering for another kiss, while her hand placed on his chest, it wasn't until they heard the bedroom door being knocked on that they both jumped......

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