Chapter Thirty Eight- Certain Feelings

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Elsa suddenly felt her eyes flutter open hearing the loud knock on the other side of the door, she felt the warmth spread through her body unable to move from the spot she was comfortably laying in. she heard the knock once more suddenly shouting aloud towards the door to her loyal servant Greta. Feeling the arms from around her waist moving slightly, the bright light hit his blue irises as he stirred from his deep slumber. He could feel his arms wrapped around something; his mind foggy as he slowly realised where he was. The Queens chambers! A rush of blush of crimson red spreads across his cheeks as he plants a kiss on her forehead.

Elsa "Good morning" she blushed scrunching her nose as she felt Jack kiss her forehead.

Jack "Good morning, sleep well?" he smiled.

Elsa "I did thanks" she smiled feeling Jack shift underneath her.

Jack "What's with the smile? Someone happy I stayed?"

He felt the butterflies flutter as his heart began to pound against his chest nervously.

Elsa "Maybe... I am glad you stayed." She blushed again.

Jack "I couldn't help but stay. You were comfortable."

Elsa "Well your pretty comfortable too." She chuckled.

Jack chuckled to himself. He couldn't believe he'd fallen asleep not that he was complaining he loved how he'd woken up to see Elsa beautiful face in the morning. The more he thought about it he wished he could do this everyday but, he knew the risk of being with a Queen. people would say things about the situation and question her morals or worse her purity, and Felix would definitely take that into his advantage. He was worried in case anybody walked in but there was a part of him that couldn't move away from her, he wanted to stay like this forever holding her in his arms protecting her from the world around themselves.

Jack "You know... I could get used to this" he said snapping back to reality smiling at her with his white grin.

Elsa "Oh really?" she asked.

Jack "Oh yeah, I could easily get used to waking up to you every morning" he continued to flirt.

The sudden silence between them grew as Jack felt her shift tighter into the hug, his heart beating fast at his comment.

Jack "Snowflake I'm joking, don't worry I know where the line is." He says kissing her forehead again tenderly.

Elsa "Jack I'm not worried about that; besides I enjoyed waking up with you too." She blushes red.

Jack "Your not? And you did?" he asks.

Elsa "No I'm not and yes, I did. I felt like I slept better with you here." She smiled feeling her heart race.

Jack "I'm just glad you had no nightmares" he said worryingly.

Elsa "No, you kept me safe".

Jack "I like that" he smiled.

Elsa "I wish we could stay like this forever." She sighed.

Jack "Honestly, I wish we could too..." he kisses her forehead sweetly.

Elsa snuggles closer into his chest feeling the warmth again throughout her body, she felt the wave of comfort wash over her again and she could feel the sense of home as she laid in his arms.

Jack "Can I ask you something?"

Elsa "What is it?" she asked.

Jack "Are you not worried about someone suddenly bursting into your room? And saying something about us being laid like this?" he worried again scratching the back of his neck in nervousness.

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