Chapter Fifty One- Marry Me?

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Kristoff stared back in an amazement waiting for Elsa to respond as she had made her way from behind her desk and threw her arms around Kristoff in excitement. He tapped her on the shoulder as the young queen pulled away.

Elsa "Sorry, I got excited of course you can ask Anna!" she threw her hands in the air.

Kristoff "Oh phew." He sighed in relief feeling some of the nerves calm down.

Elsa "Oh come on! You didn't think I wasn't going to let you, did you? I mean I know how much you love Anna" she says.

Kristoff "The only problem is I'm really nervous, I don't know how I'm going to make through it without puking on her shoes." He blushes.

Elsa "Oh kristoff I know you can do it."

Kristoff "I've already things ready for it to go ahead but, I wanted to ask first."

Elsa "You have more than my permission Kristoff you have my blessing now please go and propose to my sister." She smiles at him.

Once Kristoff walked out the room with a smile upon his face, he headed towards Anna's chambers where he kept all of his fancy clothes that Anna had him wear for certain events. He hated wearing the tight clothes, but he would do it for Anna in a heartbeat and as he pulled out the green gold-plated ring out from its hiding place, he tucked it into his pocket after he'd gotten ready. When Kristoff had finally found himself sat in the garden with the sun blaring down on his face as the sweat continued to grow in the palm of his hands so when he saw the strawberry blonde woman walking towards him his heart skipped a beat seeing her in her beauty, she took a seat beside him looking concerned and shocked to see him all dressed up in his good suit.

Anna "Kristoff? Why are you all dressed up? Is something happening that I don't know?" she asked.

Kristoff "No nothing's happening ermmm...." he stuttered from nerves.

Anna "Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?" she asked again.

Kristoff "it's not you its me." He said.

Anna "Are you breaking up with me!?" she yelled.

Kristoff "The timing and the setting aren't what I thought they'd be" he said getting up and scratching the back of his neck.

Anna "Maybe just take a minute?" she said.

Kristoff "I wanna get this right, baby".

Anna "Baby? Kristoff are you okay?" she grew in concern.

Kristoff "I wanna get this right, Anna.... You are the most extraordinary person I've ever known, and I love you with all I am...... what I'm trying to say is well will you marry me?" he says getting on one knee.

Anna gasps as the tears of joy run down her face, she hugs Kristoff tightly feeling instantly better from his warm embrace. She pulls away only to have Kristoff's fingers tuck a piece of her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear.

Kristoff "So what's the answer?" he said nervously.

Anna "Oh it's a yes!"

Kristoff "Really?!"

Anna "Yes kristoff I love you!"

Kristoff picks her up and swings her around from happiness as he places her back down on the ground, he kisses her lips softly and smiles pulling away.

Anna "So this is why your all dressed up?" she chuckled smoothing down his collar.

Kristoff "You know I wanted to impress you" he blushed.

Anna "You didn't need to do that Kristoff I love you for who you are." She smiled up at him her eyes twinkling in the light.

Kristoff "So I guess we should make it official?" he asked taking the ring from its velvet box.

Anna "Yes we should" she smiled as the gold-plated green emerald slipped onto her finger.

Back inside the castle the young Queen still sat at her desk scribbling away at the endless paperwork that continued to keep growing. Her hand began to ache from the constant and after throwing the quill to the desk she heard a soft knock on the door. calling out and the door opening the white hair she knew too well came into view as he walked further into the room. He smiled as he reached her desk looking deeply into her snowflake irises that were looking back into his.

Jack "Your still working?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

Elsa "Unfortunately" she shrugged.

Jack "Come on, take a break?" he said giving her a flirtatious smile.

Elsa "Oh, yes? What do you suppose I do to take a break?" she says.

Jack "Well how about a kiss?" he chuckled.

Elsa "Oh I think I can do that" she flirted back getting up from her seat.

Jack smiles as Elsa stands in front of him wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer towards herself, her lips connect to his. His arms around her small waist and he could feel the warmth from her relaxing him instantly. After pulling away Jack couldn't help but want to know one thing.

Jack "Hey did Kristoff come see you?" he asked.

Elsa "Oh yeah, he dropped by this morning why?"

Jack "Oh I was just wondering" he smirked.

Elsa "Okay what's with that smirk of yours?"

Jack "What makes you think anything?" he smiled again.

Elsa "Because I know you and you did say you had a feeling what it was about last night."

Jack "Can you tell me what is was what he wanted?"

Elsa "No, but I'm sure you'll know soon enough." She chuckled to herself.

Jack "Oh come on you can't tease me like that!" he exclaimed.

Elsa "You wouldn't tell me last night what you thought it was, so you'll have to wait and see." She smirked at him.

Jack "I'm beginning to think that I'm starting to rub off on you a little too much" he laughed.

Elsa "I'm not complaining" she winked at him. 

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